Sunday, February 9, 2025

February Photo a Day #9

One of our stops was the island of St. Martin. It's interesting because it's two countries on one island. On the North side (St. Martin) it's French owned and on the south side (St. Maartin) it's Dutch owned. We took a shuttle from the north side to the south side to Maho Beach. It's a popular beach because it's right next to an airport and the planes are very low. 

This is a snapshot of a movie I took. That's how low they are, and they are loud, too! 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. I’ve always thought that looks terrifying!

  2. Yikes on the plane, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day.

  3. Wow! They are so low! I can't imagine the noise if you were right there.

  4. Wow that plane sure gets low. So many people there.
    We stopped there on the cruise we went on back in 2009.

  5. This is so interesting, about how they are two nationalities. If I was on this beach, I would be scared to death!

  6. Wow that plane is low. It reminds me of when I first got married and we lived in a mobile home that was located on the approach to the local airport.

  7. I didn't know that about the two nationalities. Yes, that plane is too low for comfort to me if I was on that beach.

  8. We've been to St Martin! Beautiful...


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