Saturday, December 1, 2007

Day One Here we Go

Well, today is day one of the Holidailies posting. A post a day for the whole month of December. This should be fun.

This morning I was awake at 3:30 am. Why oh WHY do I wake up so friggin' early on the weekends? I think I laid there for maybe a hour, then I took a Midnite pill and that seemed to relax me enough to fall back asleep. I then slept until 7:41. At least slept enough to not be dead on my feet tonight.

Well, I got some of my list for this weekend done. I took Marie out to breakfast for her birthday today and I cleaned the upstairs carpeting. It looks pretty good considering how old it is. I also cleaned the area rug in the computer room. It looks better anyway. That was a lot of work and my back hurts now. Plus we did three loads of laundry, Busy day.

I should have gone to the grocery store but I got too lazy. It's snowing out now so hopefully tomorrow it won't be too bad out for driving.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I really enjoyed the Nablopomo more than I thought I would. Although, I confess, I am glad it is over now. In answer to your question, I live very close to Selfridge. Too close. I hate hearing the planes all night long or being woken up at 3AM. I hope you enjoy the month of blogging and thanks so much for your support.


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February Photo a Day #7

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