Friday, November 30, 2007


Finally it is Friday! This week seemed to be very long, and yet, here it is Friday already.

So the weather people are predicting a snowy Saturday night, and it's pretty cold out right now, plus we have a shit-load ( actually, 3 episodes) of Criminal Minds to watch and a bunch of stuff that I DVR'd over the week, so this is a good weekend to just hang out at home. Here is a list of things that I want to get done over the weekend, in no particular order:

  1. Hem two pairs of pants
  2. Clean the carpeting upstairs
  3. Sweep out the garage
  4. Do the laundry
  5. Work on this blog
  6. Clean the area rug in the family room
  7. Straighten out the Christmas trees (rotten cats!)
  8. Fix one set of lights on the living room tree.
  9. Get the outside lights up (this one is really iffy)
  10. Take Marie to breakfast for her birthday
  11. Clean out my desk
  12. Try to remove a square foot of wallpaper
Will see how much actually gets done. I always have good intentions, but my laziness gets the best of me usually.

Today at work my supervisor was given some money for lunch from one of the doctors (who wants to remain anonymous for some reason) so she ordered a shit-load (love that word today) of Chinese food. Yum!! It sure was good! It's a pretty quiet day today, which is a good thing because my co-worker Diane is off and I am working the desk alone.

Tonight, out to dinner. No cooking for me!


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