Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stuff I've Kept Part 2

Here's some more stuff that I've kept through the years in no particular order:

This is a soda can Rich scraped our names on one day while he was bored at work. Note the date: 4-8-1975 at 8:30; that would be pm because he worked afternoons at Bordon's Dairy cleaning out the huge vats that they mixed up the ice cream in.

This is the invitation, thank you card, napkin and matches from our wedding..March 18, 1977.

This is my two graduation hats from Henry Ford High School in 1975 and then 23 years later from Schoolcraft College in 1998.

This is my grades from college. I took Medical Transcription and got a 4.0 GPA. I was totally dedicated and driven!

This was the little graduation figure on my cake from my high school graduation.

This is the ad from the first house we bought..back in 1978. Funny, we paid $26,500 for it back then, sold it in 1997 for $88,500, and then last year the people that bought it from us lost it in foreclosure and it was sold by the bank for $20,000....$6,500 less than we paid for it 32 years ago! How the housing market in this country and especially this state has changed!

I have kept calendars to from when the kids were young and active in sports and various things. Plus I also noted other things in them like deaths of family members and first snow days, vacations we took and stuff like that. Going through them brought back a lot of memories!

This is something that Rich kept for all of these years. A special section in the Detroit News done shortly after the riots in 1967. We were only 10 and 11 years old, and although we both lived in Detroit, we were on the outskirts and the riots were downtown, about 30 miles away. I do remember being scared, though!

Well, that is just a fraction of all the stuff I've kept.

Thanks for taking that little trip down memory lane with me!


  1. It is so awesome that you have these mementos to help you recall your memories. All of mine were lost in a fire 8 yrs ago, and I miss them so.

  2. Jeanette
    That is so cool. My husband's mother kept so many mementos like report cards, newspaper clippings, etc. It is so interesting to hear the story. My husband's grandmother gave us her kitchen aid and she had the orignial everything including correspondence between her and kitchen aid. Loved it.
    My sister started the Aunt Nette thing with my first niece. Now everyone calls me that.

  3. I'm so glad someone else keeps things that are just flat sentimental. I lost a bunch when we sold the house at the lake. My husband and daughter would have thought I was nuts. I have a few things stashed around though.

  4. I am so glad someone else has things that are sentimental. I had to leave so much when we sold one of the houses that my dad had. The family would have revolted it if I had brought those home.

  5. Awww, those things you have saved are so very special. A couple of them reminded me of stuff either my mom or I saved through the years. I LOVE the Crush can that Rich wrote on; so precious!!

    Hope you have a good weekend!

  6. Sweet tokens of memories! Thank you for sharing these keepsakes with us.

  7. OK, Jeanette, I think we're secretly twins. I graduated from high school in 1975 and got married October 1, 1977!!


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