Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weekend Stuff

Boy, five days off sure do go by fast!

Thursday and Friday were spent pretty much doing housework and nothing very important.

Saturday morning I came thisclose to getting another cat! She was on the path in the park that Marie and I walk every week. I saw her in the distance and made kissy noises. As soon as she heard me she ran to me and was rubbing on my legs and meowing. She even let me pick her up! She was so cute..pure white like my Smudge. The cool thing was she had one blue eye and one gold eye! I wanted her bad and was planning on going home and getting my carrier! Unfortunately, some other ladies walking told me that she lives in one of the houses just up the hill. She definitely wasn't feral she was so sweet and friendly, and I didn't have the heart to just steal her. Too bad. I hope she stays safe and out of the street!

Saturday afternoon, we packed a cooler and went to Seven Lakes State Park in Holly MI

It's a very nice state park with a beautiful beach and a great picnic area.

Saw another snake crossing sign.

And this time we actually saw a snake!

He wasn't crossing the road though! He was in the water. He actually swam out from the shore overhang when we walked up to the water. Turned around, stuck his head out of the water and looked at us for a few seconds.. realized we weren't a threat to him and then swam back to where he was! Looked to be at least 2 feet long!

We really liked this state park and probably will go back again someday.

We have now been to four different state parks and from now on the $24 we paid for our year permit is a bargain!

Sunday we went to Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth so I could take some pictures of the fountain, using my mad photography skills! Later we went to my brothers for a barbecue. It was HOT, and we spent a lot of time in the pool!

Monday it was hot again so we pretty much stayed indoors and did nothing!

Now back to work for a short week, although my coworker is on vacation for the next two weeks so I will be pretty busy.

Had lunch with Shauna. She's liking her new job and doing awesome!

I knew she would!


  1. Thanks for the visit...looks like you had a good weekend too! :D

  2. How fun! Love your pictures (not crazy about snakes though). Being a fellow Michigander, I haven't seen any snake warning signs. Going to start paying more attention when traveling the state.
    Glad you had a great weekend!


  3. Sounds like you had a great time!
    Also glad you didn't take the Kitty...You just never know these days...

  4. Loved the pictures! Your State Parks are so nice. I think yours are the only snake warning signs I've ever seen. :-)

  5. So glad you had such a nice mini vacation! The pictures are great! I knew Shauna would do a good job; I'm still so happy for both of you. :)

  6. I never say snake warning signs anywhere in Michigan --and don't want to go anywhere they might be. I hate snakes--even if I see them first--hate how they move. Glad you had a good time anyway.


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