Monday, February 28, 2011

Goodbye February and Go say Hi!

I'm so excited that my sister-in-law Debbie has decided to start a blog! It's called
Debbie's Digest and I think it's going to be a good one!

I suggested keeping a blog to her because she is a very good writer and has lots of interesting things to say! Please hop on over and give her a big welcome! She's been married to my brother Tom for almost 30 years. I always know how long they have been married because Shauna was born about three weeks after their wedding, and I was in the wedding party! You can imagine how lovely I looked. One day I will have to post a  picture!

Well, today is the last day of February and I can't say I'm gonna miss it!! Daylight savings time begins in 2 weeks and Spring can't get  here soon enough for me!

A few weeks ago I bought this tray at the Salvation Army.

This is what it looks like now. I painted it and covered the bottom with self paper.

Right now I've just got it on the kitchen table with candles and my salt and pepper shakers on it  but it will be useful I'm sure for various things.

Well I have an appointment at the urologist this morning. Yuck! Hopefully I won't have to see him again for 6 months.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Red

Time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This theme is "RED" in honor of Valentines Day! Gots lots of red in my house and it was hard limit it to just a few so I went a little overboard!

Red kitty cave.

Red air aromatizer.

Red in my coffee cup!

Red beads!

Red letters on Stephen King books!

Thanks for visiting! Click on the link above and see lots more red!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm NOT Talking About Snow Anymore...

Ok I am..but just for a second because we went from this:

To this again!!

OK I realize it's only February but this month sure is lasting a long time for a short month, you know!

So Rich went back to work today, 5 weeks and two days after surgery. He saw the surgeon yesterday and after he checked his incisions and declared everything ok..he kept Rich in the room for another half-hour talking about world events and other non-surgical related things! Guess he figured he'd get his two cents in before Rich leaves the office and never has to see him again (hopefully)!

So back to work he goes. I think he's glad although I think he's gonna miss Hanna Montana!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chomping At The Bit

Rich has been chomping at the bit being home all of the time. He sees the surgeon again on Tuesday morning and plans on being at work Tuesday afternoon! That is providing the doctor clears him, which I'm sure he will. Actually, he has to because I just turned around from the computer to ask him what he was watching on TV and he was watching Hanna Montana! So yeah, he definitely has to go back to work!!

It's been quite warm this week and all that snow is probably about 85% gone. The only snow left is where it was piled up 7 feet!

See this little box of beads?

I dropped it all over the carpeted floor the other day! And yes I picked them all up and am sorting them out again!! I'm that anal!

I bought these candle holders and dishes at the thrift store last week.

So I can make a bunch of these cute little jewelry holders.

That's my latest project. I plan on selling them at my garage sale this Spring and maybe giving some for Christmas gifts next year. 

It's nice and sunny out...maybe I'll see if I can drag Rich away from Hanna Montana long enough to take walk with me!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

Well, we survived the "big" snow last week which turned out to only be about 9 inches...not too bad considering that we were expecting 15. Anyway, schools closed and lots of people did not go to work.

I did though.

Here's the driveway after I pulled out!

Driving away.....

I just took my time and enjoyed the lack of traffic. Mu car is a all wheel drive so it was not too hard to drive the snow covered streets. Most of the people in my department showed up, too. Such dedicated employees! Anyway, I would rather save my paid time off for fun stuff!!

It was brutally cold this morning it was -13 in Ann Arbor where I work! But I think (hope) that we may be past the coldest part of the winter now. It's warming up a little and may even be 40 by the end of the week!!

Anyway, I'm getting tired of talking about the weather!

Rich is recovering nicely from his surgery. He has another week and a half before he sees the surgeon again. Then, hopefully, he'll get cleared to go back to work. I know he's getting restless!

The fur babies are getting restless, too! They miss the open windows and sunny spots to lay in!

I love the survival instinct "I'll kill you if you try to take my water" look in his eyes when he's drinking from the faucet!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...