Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birds On Roofs and Made In The USA

Last week there was a dead squirrel in the middle of the street in front of our house when Rich got home from work. He went into the house to get a bag and a shovel to pick it up and bury it. When he came out, there was two huge turkey buzzards standing by it! I didn't even know we had them in this area. Anyway, he ran back inside to get the camera, and by the time he got back outside, they were flying away. One kindly landed on the roof across the street for a photo op!

Isn't he cute?

Smudge staring out the kitchen window:

At this duck on the roof! She was looking for her mate in the other back yard.

Soon he flew into our back yard and she joined him on the ground. I love seeing the ducks come around every Spring!


Sometimes when I take a different route home from work I pass this one house where the whole back half of the lot is just loaded with daffodils every Spring. This year I managed to get a picture.

I love it!

Finally in the news....Rich had to replace the inner workings of the downstairs toilet last weekend. Check out this contraption..

No more ball float thing, whatever it's called. This new toilet fill valve (found the box!) is much quieter and easier to adjust to a lower water level. Best part is it's Made in the USA!

Pay no attention to the empty plate rack hanging on the wall in this picture. It's been empty since I took the Christmas plates down!


That's all for now! Looking forward to the weekend. They put me back on a 40 hour appointment at work. It's just too busy for me to take a day off every week right now. Which actually is fine with me!

I've decided that I like the money more than the time off!

Later y'all!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Brenda Photo Challenge-A Little Bit Of My World

Time for another Brenda's Photo Challenge! This is is titled A Little Bit of My World.

Here is first thing in the morning for me.

Head to the coffee machine to grab a cup of coffee.

I'm diabetic so I have to check my blood sugar in the morning. It's important to see how my body has handled my sugar levels overnight.

That's every morning in my little world.

Off to see some of your worlds!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Little Time Off

We had a great time having dinner with the kids for our anniversary on Sunday. I ate too much but I usually do at a buffet. I think it's because it's so expensive I feel need to get my moneys worth! Anyway, it was nice to celebrate our anniversary with the kids....who are the greatest things that came from the past 35 years!

I took Monday and today off from work for a little break. My SIL Helen's mother died so in addition to going to the funeral home on Saturday I went to the funeral on Monday. Rich had to work so I went with Don and Linda.

Today I took a long walk in the morning and just kind of putted around for the rest of the day. I was trying not to make too much noise because it gets the dog barking downstairs.

Yes, the kids and their dogs are still with us. Shouldn't be too much longer. They should have a closing date by the end of the week. They are wonderful house guests, though. Clean and quiet and we love seeing them all of the time! The only thing I have to complain about is this:

Five litter boxes sitting right here by my computer! Although we keep them very clean, they are dusty and gross. It sure does make us appreciate our basement! We can't let the dogs anywhere near the cats. We don't know what they would do but it's not worth taking the chance. Funny though, when Chris takes them outside, the one dog runs from window to window looking for the cats, and the cat's go to the window to look at the dogs!

Earlier today I was in the backyard taking pictures of the buds on the bushes.

The weather has been really warm these past few days. I have to keep telling myself that it's only March and we could still get a major snow storm! The weather forecast does call for much cooler weather coming later this week. But in the mean time it's very Spring-like out there!

Anyway, I was taking the above pictures and could hear sirens blaring. I was thinking to myself that they sure do sound loud going down Sheldon (that is our nearest main street).

When I walked around the the front of the house I saw this:

About 4 houses down from us they had a small fire! No one was hurt thank goodness. I guess there was a reason the sirens sounded so loud!

That's all the news for now. Back to work tomorrow!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dads Birthday And Other Stuff

Last week we had my dad's 80th birthday party.

It's always fun to get together with family.

Little Dominic was having fun walking around touching everything he wasn't supposed to! He keeps his mom and dad busy these day! We were joking about how they miss the days of just sitting and socializing at family get togethers!

Here he is with all his grandchildren and Dominic, who was not liking having to stay still for very long. My niece Angela (second from right) will be giving him his second great-grandson in a few months! And my nephew Mike and his wife Sarah (on the left) will be giving him his THIRD great grandchild in October! This family sure is growing!!

Things a going well with Chris and Marissa staying with us. They are pretty quiet and make sure they clean up after the dogs and themselves. I love seeing them all the time!

My only complaint is having to have the cat litter boxes upstairs. They are gross and dusty but it will only be for a few more weeks. I can't wait to show you their new house!

Today we have to go to the funeral home. My SIL Helen's mom passed away on Thursday.

Tomorrow is our 35th anniversary. We planning on going to the MGM Grand Casino with the kids for dinner and a little gambling. Looking forward to it!

Well, gotta go for my Saturday walk and breakfast with Marie.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

All The News

Just some random stuff happening around here:

I got a fake fern for my plant stand in the front foyer. It looks much better, I think. Thank goodness for fake plants, otherwise there would be no greenery seen in my house. The only two real plants I have are closed up in the upstairs bedroom so the cats don't eat them!

Chris and Marissa are staying with us for a few weeks with their two dogs. They had to leave their rental due to the landlord deciding that he no longer wanted them to have their dogs there (jackass). Since they are in the process of buying a house they needed somewhere to stay with them until they close and can move in there. More on that later after the deal is done. I don't want to jinx it by talking too much about it.

We have a bedroom and a full bathroom in the basement and that is where the kids are staying with the dogs. There's even a refrigerator down there to they're pretty comfy.

Naturally, the cats are freaked out having two dogs on the premises. Although they never see them they certainly can hear them! Plus we had to move the litter boxes upstairs along with their food and water. So everything is topsy turvey right now and cats don't do well with changes! Let's hope they don't decide to punish us by peeing everywhere!

"Excuse me, I think I have a little more dignity than that"

This coming weekend we will be celebrating my dad's 80th birthday! I'm glad he is still relatively healthy and active. His parents and grandparents lived to be well into their 90's so hopefully he got that longevity gene! I'm in charge of ordering his cake. I'm getting it at a grocery store called Busch's..they have the BEST cakes. Just a white cake with raspberry cream filling and butter cream frosting. YUM!! Pics after next weekend.

That's all the news for now. This weekend we get to Spring forward!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...