Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Temptations

OK this is my first post since Blogger decided to change stuff around and confuse me!

Time for another Brenda's Photo Challenge! This is is titled Temptations!

This is probably my biggest temptation..and I'm sure I'm not alone! Since we don't have a lot of sweets around the house I took some pictures at the grocery store. Pardon the blurry phone pictures.


Ice cream! (That's a big one..I LOVE ice cream!)

Little Debbie goodies! They're just so good and inexpensive!


For a non-food temptation I would probably go with this. The open road, baby!
Every morning on my way to work it's so tempting to just keep going........

Now I am going to go see what tempts everyone else!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hump Day

Happy hump day! The weekend is right around the corner!

The weather here in Michigan has been pretty unpredictable lately. It's recently been cold and it was even snowing a little last week. That's nothing new in April but we all hate to see it! Anyway, Saturday started out rainy and then got very nice towards the end of the day. Sunday was rainy, too and when the rain stopped it got hot and very humid for this time of year!

Yuck!! So needless to say we did not go hike a trail on Sunday like I wanted to!

Here's some pictures from my niece Angela's baby shower last Saturday. She got lots of nice stuff!

I especially love what we got her. Here she is opening it.

That's Shauna sitting there with her. She was in charge of keeping track of who gave what!

Anyway, a bunch of us aunts and cousins went in on this gift. It's a play pen /bed that I'm sure will be very handy.

Here she is with her dad, my brother Tom.

Him, my brother Don and Debbie's brother Bob did all of the cooking for us ladies! The food was delicious. I don't know if I mentioned that my brother is a excellent cook! I always said he missed his calling and should have been a chef!

Anyway, that's all for now. This Sunday we have my department dinner to go to...very fancy. Hopefully sometime we'll be walking a trail somewhere!

Hope you are having a good week!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Black Forest Bundt Cake and Pebbles

Easter was wonderful as usual. Full of family and lots of good food. My oldest brother made egg-drop soup, which was really good!

Anyway, I was in charge of desserts as usual because I like to find new recipes and make them. Usually they turn out really good.

This time I decided to try a Black Forest Bundt Cake recipe. I saw it on Pinterest and it looked pretty easy.

Start out by making  a chocolate bundt cake. I used a box cake mix but I replaced the oil with melted butter and the water with milk. It always seems to make a box cake a little richer. Anyway, I baked the cake on Saturday and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

On Sunday I cut it in thirds horizontally. Then I  mixed  8 oz cool whip, 1/4 c sugar and one small container of chocolate sprinkles, and spread half on one layer Then I put half of a can of cherry pie filling on top of that, then repeat with the next layer. Then sprinkle the top with powdered sugar. So easy and so good! Everyone loved it.

There was a couple little problems though. One was that the powdered sugar kept disappearing because the cake was so moist.  I probably should have let the cake sit out in the open air for a few hours. I don't like to do that really because of all our cats, I get paranoid that cat hair will somehow float onto my cake. So it looked pretty for a while before the sugar disappeared!

The other thing was the filling kind of oozed out. I actually made it several hours ahead of time and I think the weight of the cake caused that to happen.  But it was good!

Another great dessert to add to my collection!

This is Chris and Marissa's other dog, Pebbles.

Sometimes they call her three-toe because she only has three toes on one of her feet. She's not as friendly as Lou. I've never petted her because she's scared of everyone except Chris and Marissa. She's only half the size of Lou, too! She was a neglected dog that they rescued.

It's hump day so we are half way through the week. This weekend is my niece Angela's baby shower. It's supposed to be nice out, too, so maybe we'll get to go hike a trail somewhere. If so you know there will be pictures!

I'm outta here! Have a good week!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


This is one of Chris and Marissa's dogs, Luciano. This picture was taken almost 5 years ago. It was the first picture I ever put on my blog and

one of my first posts.

I took this picture of him this morning:

He loves hanging around the daffodils and fertilizing them, if you know what I mean!

A little grey around the muzzle these days but no less sweet or energetic.

Tomorrow we are going to my nephew Mike's house for Easter. I am in charge of dessert as usual. I am making that pretzel/jello cake and a Black Forest Bundt cake. I'll be telling you all about it next time!

Have a wonderful Easter filled with family and love!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...