Monday, July 23, 2012

Sad and Happy Weekend

We had a pretty busy weekend with a couple of family events that happened but before I get to those I have to relay some sad news.

Remember this guy that I wrote about a while back?

Chris and Marissa had to put him to sleep on Friday. He had been acting like he wasn't feeling good off and on for the past few weeks and when they took him to the vet he was diagnosed with cancer of the spleen. They kept him for a few more days while he was not in any pain but he was losing muscle mass and when he could not walk without falling, they did not want him to suffer at all so they took him in. They are heartbroken and so are we. He was such a good dog and we are all going to miss him a lot!

Saturday we attended my niece Carly's graduation party. It was a lot of fun. They had a tiki bar, a bouncy house and a photo booth and lots of good food! My other niece made these adorable cake pops that were too cute! They looked like little coconut drinks!

Tiki bar

Lots of pictures


Me and my gorgeous daughter!

But best part of the night was the time I got to spend cuddling this little guy!

Dante Thomas

Oh my goodness,  he is so cute!! And all you have to do is talk to him a little and he smiles like crazy!
I could just eat him up!!

And on Sunday we attended his baptism!

Did a lot of driving this weekend because neither place was very close to us but it was worth it for all the fun family time!


  1. Dante and your daughter are both cuties!

    And I'm so sorry for the loss of their dog. I know how much it hurts to let them go!

  2. I'm very sorry about the much loved pet. It's so hard to let go. :(

    Love the photo's; looks like a lot of fun.


  3. He IS a cutie!!
    Love all the photos Jeanette!
    And I'm SO sorry about them having to put the dog down...SO Sad...

  4. I'm so sorry about the pup. :-( it's so hard to give up your pet.

    Glad you had so much family fun!


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