Thursday, December 20, 2012

Angel Tree Topper

This sweet angel used to be a tree topper. I may have bought her the first year we were married and I ran up to the closest drug store to get some decorations for our first Christmas tree. There used to be lights in her hands and all around the bottom.

Those lights are long gone and she's balanced on a Solo cup now, but she still looks as beautiful as the day I bought her! One of these days I'm going to wire her up with lights again an put her on top of the tree where she belongs!

Until tomorrow.....


  1. Yes indeed, she sure is sweet and beautiful. I don't know what's happened to a lot of ornaments we used to have.

    Of course, now you know I'm singing Toby Keith's "red solo cup, I lift you up, let's have a PARTY!!!"

    Hope you are having a good morning, buddy!



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