Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I know I mentiioned a few months ago that Chris and Marissa had to have their beloved dog, Lou, put to sleep. He was healthy and then within a week he got sick and they were having him put down.  They were heartbroken for a long time. They still have Pebbles but they definitely were feeling the loss of  Lou.

Anyway, a few days ago they decided it was time to add to their little family and get another dog.

So meet the newest member of the family!

His name is Benjamin "Bugsy" Segal, after the gangster.

He's a blue pit bull and he's only 6 weeks old!

We are going to go meet him on Sunday!

 I can't wait! It's been a long time since I've had a puppy fix!

Until tomorrow....


  1. Awwww, he's SO cute. I've never seen a "blue" one. :)

    Have a great day, buddy!


  2. I love that sweet face and blue color!

  3. Awwwwwww!!! Nothing smells better than...Puppy!!!


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