Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Busy Weekend

Had a great, busy weekend. Saturday night we had Judy and Jackie and their spouses over for dinner. We always have a good time when we get together.

I made savory chicken which was awesome and I also made slow cooker scalloped potatoes, which were not so awesome (at least in my opinion..everyone else seemed to like them!)

I set the table with a red table cloth and used my Christmas dishes that I've had for years. I had bought Judy and Jackie Christmas decorations that were inverted glass cones with a winter scene inside them on a silver pedestle. Very cute! I used them as a centerpiece for the table surrounded by garland and candles.

It looked really nice and you'll have to take my word for it because I didn't take a single picture!

Darn it!!

Until tomorrow....


  1. How nice! I'm sure everyone had a great time.

    Scalloped potatoes?

    Ever heard of Betty Crocker in the box. As Hunt would say "magnifique". :)

    I do not know how to spell that word. :)

    Have a great day, buddy!

  2. Hahaaaa! Isn't that Always the way of it?!! No thoughts to the camera!
    Bet it was lovely!

  3. Sounds like you had fun. I bet the table was lovely!!


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