Saturday, December 28, 2019

Delayed Christmas

Christmas Eve was very nice at my brothers house. Most of  the family was there. Chris did not make it home from New Hampshire and Shauna and Brad like to spend a quiet Christmas Eve home with their kids. But we did see my niece who we hadn't seen in a couple of years!

We spent Christmas Day at Shauna and Brads. They usually host Brad's family so it was fun and lots of grandson time and good food!

We intended to celebrate Christmas with our kids on Friday but we ended up having plumbing issues so we had to delay it until Sunday. Luckily, the park is responsible for anything under the ground, which is where the blockage was so it didn't cost us anything!

We took a walk around to look at Christmas lights in the park.

This house wins best decorated every year. I didn't get a picture but the man who lives there also goes up and down his street changing the lights in front of every house to alternating red and green. He asks permission first of course! It looks very festive!

Today I did something I haven't done in a long time. I went to the library and checked out a couple of books!

I used to read in bed all of the time and since I bought a kindle a few years ago I would  downloaded books onto that. It's convenient for traveling or taking to work.

Sleep is always an issue with me and reading has always been a good way for me to fall asleep. However, reading  from a kindle does not help at all, in fact it has the opposite effect and keeps me awake!  I thought I would go back to reading real books but I don't want to buy them because I have enough books already, so the library is perfect!

Of course, now I need a reading light because I don't want to keep the lamp on and disturb Rich sleeping. Luckily they now have rechargeable reading lights so I'll have to get one of those!

Tomorrow we are celebrating Christmas with the kids and I can't wait to give Maxwell and Levi their presents!

I'll tell you about it next time!

Until then...

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Wrapped and Ready

Well, its December 22 and I am pretty much done shopping and wrapping. I finished my shopping yesterday which is pretty much my MO for Christmas!

Today I wrapped everything up.

I'm working Monday and Tuesday and then I'm off for the rest of the week.

In the evening on Christmas Eve we will go to my brothers house and Christmas Day we'll spend at Shauna's house because they are having Brad's family over.

We are celebrating our Christmas with the kids and grandkids on Friday the 27th. Everyone is off of work and it just works out better this way.

We went to downtown Detroit last weekend to walk around and see the big Christmas tree at Campus Marcius Park

They last night we went to downtown Plymouth to see the Christmas Tree's that light the walkway though the park.

Different business sponsor the trees.

I thought this one was clever.

They put up a Nativity Scene also, which surprises me anymore in this day.  It's life size and pretty neat!

These guys were outside yesterday enjoying the mild weather we've been having!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we will see you in 2020!

Until then!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas Decor

Tis the season!

We were excited to put some decorations on our new deck this year. We didn't go crazy but we did have a lot of lights from last year. I used to use them on our Christmas tree but we have a new, lighted tree this year. I think it looks nice and right in front is the perfect spot for the lighted wreath!

Speaking of Christmas trees, last year our tree was actually being held together by the light strings! It was at least 19 years old and definitely on it's last legs! After Christmas was over I threw it in the garbage, then went and bought a new tree for 75% off!

It's a Martha Stewart Living brand and let me tell you, she does things right! This lighted tree was so easy to put together and even came with a foot pedal to turn the lights off and on! Plus at 7.5 feet tall its the biggest tree we've ever had.

Although I love it, I'm not a huge fan of just the white lights. I'll leave it for this year but maybe next year I'll add a couple strings of colored lights too!

And of course is my snowman collection.


This one is the newest one we got at Bronner's over the summer when we bought the ornaments for the boys. 

And also my collection of small Christmas trees. 

This is my newest one I got at the Salvation Army thrift store.

I love the little deer!

I used the garland we normally used on the tree as fake snow this year.

And my miniature ornaments are all displayed on this small tree.

This is my newest one. 

I buy one snowman, one small tree and one miniature ornament every year!

And always the ceramic tree that my mom made so many years ago! It was the only decoration my dad put up after she died and I inherited it when he died. 

That's my décor for this year. I'm really into Christmas this year for some reason!

Until next time! 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Ornaments, Thanksgiving and Stuff

Over the summer we bought personalized ornaments for our grandsons like we’ve done every year since they were born. We finally gave them to the boys on Thanksgiving.

Levi’s is a dinosaur and Maxwells is a tractor.

The kids call Rich Bonk for some reason we can’t figure out!

Thanksgiving was crazy and wonderful with 26 people here!

 Good food and good company!

We were even missing a few!

And always my hearts!

Finished decoration today and had fun decoration the new deck!

I’ll show you the next time!!

Until then....

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...