Saturday, March 28, 2020

Moving Along

Well, things are moving along the best they can!  I think we will all come out of the other side of this a little more grateful for the freedoms we have and a little more conscious of germs!

My work is starting a rotating schedule of the administrative support employees. They have two teams, Maize and Blue (which just happens to be the school colors, go figure!)

These teams will alternate weeks working. I am on the Maize team so I'll be working next week and will be off the following week. We get paid for our weeks using a special Covid-19 fund for the first two weeks we are off and then we'll see what happens after that. Hopefully after 4 weeks things will be back to normal. Wishful thinking, maybe?

I went to the grocery store this morning. I know, but I had to.

I wore a mask. Only a handful of people in the store were wearing masks and a few people even gave me a funny look! Oh well, I'm not taking chances anymore. I washed down the handle of the cart really good, too. I didn't wear gloves though. I figured I can wash my hands but I can't wash my lungs, you know! Besides, I have diabetes so I have to be extra careful. Then when I got home I wiped everything I bought down with Clorox wipes.

This is the aisle that normally has toilet paper and paper towel.

Hey, they have to fill it with something, right? May as well be Easter baskets even if Easter is cancelled this year!

Shauna took Levi to the doctor this morning. He doesn't have strep or the flu or that dreaded virus so that's good. He's cutting two molars and has inflamed gums and a red throat. Poor baby. But I'm glad its nothing serious. My heart cannot take worrying about those grandbabies of mine!

We had to have our sweet Toby put to sleep yesterday. He had some kind of cancer in his stomach. We had been treating him with steroids and vitamin shots and anti nausea for a few months but last week he started going down hill very fast so we made the decision to not let him suffer anymore.

This was the anniversary gift I got Rich last week. Now every time I see it I have that song stuck in my head the rest of the day!

That's all the exciting news for now.

This weekend we are cleaning carpets! Fun!

Until the next time I hope you all stay well and safe!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

More Random Stuff

I'm still working for however long that will last.  Driving into work these past few mornings has been pretty surreal. There's not a lot of  people on the road at 6:30 in the morning anyway but this week there is almost no one. Especially now that the governor has issued a stay at home order. It's a little freaky actually to be driving on a road all alone in the dark!

I miss my grandsons something fierce! We face-timed with them on Sunday and when I mentioned to Maxwell that I could see the smoke alarm on the ceiling above his head he wanted me to show him ours. So I had to turn the phone around and show him again and again and again... Three year olds have such a one track mind!

Rich went to Kr0ger this morning during their Senior hour, from 7-8 am. The point is supposedly to give seniors and people with compromised immune systems time to shop before the crowds come so they would have less exposure.

Ha! It was crazy crowded! More so than normal! So much for that idea! He did manage to get a 6 pack of paper towel though. No toilet paper though. We are going to be reduced to rags in a few weeks when our supply runs out!

Levi's been running a fever off and on the past few days. Shauna is going stir crazy being cooped in the house. Hopefully she can get out a little today! Brad is working from home so she should be able to.

I've got to get outside this weekend and take a hike in a state park or something. Rich told me that they closed the Sleeping Bear State Park in northern Michigan because all of the toilet paper and paper towel has been stolen! People are so ridiculous!

Hope you all are hanging in there ok. I am soooo looking forward to when this is all over. I have dreams of it being much better by Easter! Probably wishful thinking but that's where I'm at right now.

I'll let you know if anything exciting happens this weekend!

Until then..

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Random Thoughts in my Head

Am I the only one who thinks the press sensationalizing  the COVD-1 virus has caused this  crazy closing down of everything-hoarding toilet paper- paper towel and boxed rice and canned soup- stay at least 6 feet away from me- wash your hands every 5 minutes- don't touch your eyes, nose, mouth or face thing that seems to be going on right now?

I mean, some of these precautions we should be doing all of time anyway!

Like,  don't you think that the media, when the reporting every half-hour of every day how many new COVD-19 cases have been diagnosed that they would also include flu, pneumonia and common cold cases, that were diagnosed,  too? Might put a little bit of perspective on things.

I'm still working every day. I work in healthcare and although my job isn't considered essential right now, I work in a place that doesn't have a lot of people. Especially the room I am in. Just me and two other people whose desks are about 15 feet apart!

I am loving the lack of traffic though!

One good thing about everybody staying home is my husband, who delivers for Uber Eats is really, really busy right now! Now HE needs to wash his hands all of the time because he's constantly opening restaurant doors!

I thought I would use this time stuck in the house to get some stuff organized but so far I only cleaned out my master closet and this shelf in our utility room that I keep rags and various stuff on.

That looks like this now.

Better anyway.

We are staying away from the grandkids right now. We usually visit on Sunday but are not going over there today! They have been isolating but Rich and I have been out and about. It's ok. We miss them but better to be safe than sorry later!

Our library is closed until at least April 5th.  I'm already 1/2 way through the last of the three books that I borrowed the last day they were open. I do have a couple books on my kindle so I'll have to read them. Maybe if I use the blue light setting it won't keep me from sleeping.

I can't wait for the weather to warm up!

That's all for this boring post! Stay safe and let's hope things all get back to normal soon!

Until the next time....

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...