Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February Photo A Day #24

This was the little sticker closing the box of a mini waffle maker I bought recently. The French interpretation struck me as funny for some reason. Sticker De Sabotage sounds so much more ominous than Tamper Sticker, don't you think?

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends!


  1. It’s even funnier with a French accent!

  2. Thanks for the smiles. Have a great day friend.

  3. *bahahahaha* "Sticker sabotage"... what a great way to describe it!! I like it!! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. "Sticker De Sabotage"

    That is hilarious! 😂

  5. Waffle maker sabotage! What will they think of next? It did add a smile to my day.

  6. Oh yes, I like the french version better :)

  7. HA! If there had been sabotage, you would have to call Inspector Clouseau!

  8. Haaaahahaha that IS funny! The French are so dramatic! Tamper with this waffle maker? Quelle Horreur! xoxo


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