Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Frozen

It seems like forever since we did a Brenda Photo Challenge! Now that the holidays are long past, it's time to start challenging out photo abilities once again! The theme this time is "Frozen". Not too hard for this time of year!

Frozen icicles hanging from the roof.

Frozen ice cubes in the icemaker.

Frozen water from the downspout.

Frozen tuna noodle casserole!

That was fun! Click the above link to see more frozen stuff!


  1. Love the icicles against the sky and I had to smile at the tuna!

  2. Frozen Tuna???Hahaaa...I LOVE it! You're My kinda Girl!!
    Great shots sweetie!!

  3. Brrrr!!! Now I feel cold! Love the icicles one too with the blue sky!

  4. Good shots, Jeanette. The frozen tuna casserole reminds me that I need to make one for my brother; his wife doesn't like it but he does! :)

    I'm freezing lookin' at all the "frozen pics" you girls posted today. ((hugs))

  5. That first one looks like it could have been taken out my back door. Love the shots and i cracked up over the frozen tuna noodle casserole

  6. :-) my very first frozen tuna noodles to ever see. I LOVE your frozen shots young lady!

  7. I love icicles and gotta laugh at your frozen tuna noodle casserole. Oh and I LOVE your header Jeanette!

  8. Just looking at these makes me feel cold! brrr! I had the icicles over my front door too just before Christmas.


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