Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Been a busy couple of weeks!

Two weeks ago I went to a few random garage sales. The only one that I actually bought from was on it's 3rd day so the stuff was pretty picked over.  Nevertheless, I managed to find several things worth purchasing.

This awesome ornament candy jar.

This gorgeous Christmas vase, which I can't for the life of me understand why someone didn't buy!

This box of ornament-shaped candles

And this cute silver box.

All for $2

Last Saturday we went to the Michigan reception for my nephew and his wife, who were married on September 17th in Connecticut.

They look very happy! Lucky Sarah, not too many brides get to wear their gowns twice!!

It was great to spend time with our kids, too! Chris's and his sweet wife, Marissa. His hair is longer than mine!

Shauna and Brad! He keeps that smile on her face and that melts this mothers heart!

We had a great time dancing and drinking the night away. My feet were sore for a week afterwards!

Went to a Halloween party and had cute ideas for costumes. That's for another post!

Have a great week!


  1. Sounds like a busy couple of weeks! Great garage sale finds and a good-lookin' family!

  2. Sweet Family! Love your finds especially the Christmas vase!

  3. You have such a beautiful family! I love your treasures.

  4. Good looking young faces there, and all contentedly happy! You sure got some good deals for $2 - can't beat that with a stick!

  5. Good golly, Miss Molly! Christmas is right around the corner, isn't it!!
    You scored awesome stuff! I love any kind of re-sale :)
    You have beautiful people in your family, Jeanette! Inside and out!
    xo, misha

  6. LOVE the photo's of the "kids"; so good looking, all of them!

    You really do find some great bargains! I've never seen an ornament shaped candle before, but then I don't get out much. :)

    Hope your weekend is going great, buddy!

  7. Hello Jeanette! Sounds like you had a good time with your family...I love that your feet were sore from dancing. Not that I love that your feet were sore but that you had so much fun up on the floor LOL!!! Oh goodness you found some cute goodies at the garage sales...I haven't been to a garage sale all summer. I need to go before they're all over for the season! Enjoy your treasures and thanks for stopping by today.
    Maura :)


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