Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day Off

The Monday after Christmas was our work holiday so I was off. Rich had to work so I had the day to myself to run some errands.

I did  something I've never done before. I took back a few gifts that we received from my son and daughter-in-law. Normally I don't like to do that but they included the gift receipts and it was stuff that we were never going to use so I figured it was no big deal.

The first place I went was to TJ Maxx. If your not familiar with that store, it's sort of a outlet where you can get name brand stuff for a lot cheaper. Everything from clothes to accessories to household goods. I usually don't shop there because I never seem to find anything I like. So of course, when I returned the gift they only would give me a store credit. I walked all around the store looking and was about to give up when I spotted this nifty thing

It happened to be the exact amount of my store credit, too, so I bought it.  Now being vertically challenged as I am (5 ' 1") this stool will come in pretty handy in my kitchen. And the best part is it stores under the sink.

No more dragging one of the dining room chairs into the kitchen when I have to reach something!

Next stop was Kohl's where I purchased this rug:

I love it! Apparently the cats do too because they've been laying on it ever since and being dark brown it shows every single cat hair!

Oh well!

In some sad news, my coworkers mom passed away late Christmas Eve. So sad but her whole family, including her seven kids were able to be there with her, one daughter from California. I know what she's going through.

Looking forward to a long weekend; not looking forward to putting all the Christmas decorations away!

Happy New Year!


  1. So sorry to hear about the mom passing away. :(

    Love the little step stool! That was a great exchange. Yes, I've heard that most of the stores now give credits instead of cash. But, that's cool 'cause when you get out that little stepper you'll think of your son and dil. :)

    We don't have a TJmax in my area, but across town and I don't "do" across town anymore. :)

    I hope you and Rich will have a great weekend, and a VERY happy new year. (( hugs ))

  2. Happy New Year--hope 2012 brings us all better times. Love how you displayed the old ornaments--those of my mom's and grandmother's seem to be my favorites! I don't take gifts back either, but you got a great deal and it is still from the kids.

  3. So sorry about the coworkers Mom...sad.
    I Like that stool Girl! I have a small ladder for the same reason...
    Happy New Years to you too!

  4. Deaths are always so hard at the time of holidays. Like a HUGE bookmark each year!

    Love the stool! You are tiny :) I am 5'10 so I am the one always reaching for things in the grocery for strangers! Ha!
    Have a lovely!
    xo, misha


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