Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Birthdays Galore

January is a month of birthdays in my family. Besides other family members it's also mine and Rich's and most importantly Maxwell's! 

He turned 4 years old on January 8th and his party was this past Saturday.

He got lots of presents and was so excited!

Levi was helping him open his gifts! 

We got him a Paw Patrol watch among other presents.

I didn't take any pictures of him with his cake. This is a screen shot of a movie I took while we were singing happy birthday. You can't see Levi in this picture, he's right off to the right, but he's singing his heart out to his brother and it was so cute! Shauna said he was practicing all week! 

There may be a budding professional singer in the family! 

Today is my 64th birthday and Shauna brought the boys over for a while. I got two cute homemade cards and a beautiful notebook with Nonnie on it. 

Plus a Bill Knapps cake for dessert tonight! 

I'll show you the next time. 

Until then stay safe and well my friends. 


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jeanette! Hope it has been wonderful in every way. We're practically twins ... the busiest birthday month for our family is March ... and on the 7th, I'll be 64. Can't believe it but what is a girl to do ... Belated birthday wishes to Maxwell too. Our little grandson, who will turn nine next month, loved all things Paw Patrol when he was a few years younger. And keep singing, Levi! xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday! Four is the perfect age for getting excited about presents. I await your other pictures.

  3. Happy Birthday to all.
    Our youngest grandson had a birthday a couple of days ago. He turned 15!! Hard to believe he's the youngest!!
    Ken and I have an anniversary coming up at the end of the month.

  4. Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day

  5. Happy birthday! How cute with Maxwell's party! Loved all the pictures, especially the one of Levi smiling :)


  6. Maxwell is so cute and looks pretty happy with his party! (We have a nephew named Maxwell - cute name!)
    Happy Birthday to you!

  7. Happy Birthday! I remember eating at a Bill Knapps as a kid when visiting my grandparents in western Ohio. A friend of mine who grew up in Toledo said her family always went to Bill Knapps for their birthdays.

  8. They are so adorable and must cheer you up and keep you going through these difficult times. I wish I could borrow them!

  9. Those boys are so adorable; I'm so happy you were able to celebrate with them.
    Happy birthday to you my sweet friend. I DO hope you were feeling all the love and joy that you deserve.

  10. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a beautiful day friend.

  11. Happiest of birthdays, Jeanette!!! May the coming year contain every good blessing the Lord has to give. Have a wonderful day!! And "Paw Patrol" for the birthday boy... he looks absolutely thrilled, sweet baby! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. I'm glad Maxwell had a fun birthday; can hardly believe he's FOUR already! He and Levi fill a great portion of your hear,and that's so beautiful

    You had a good birthday, and although I've already said it "Happy Birthday" :)


  13. Happy Birthday! And happy birthday to your sweet grandchild. My daughter is having her third child on the 26th and I am so excited to meet her. It will be a little different this time because of COVID. I won’t be able to go to the hospital and will have to wait till they come home.


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