Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Bumpy Cake

A few people commented that they did not know what Sanders Bumpy Cake was so I thought I would do a quick post about it.

Sanders is a Detroit-based Confectioner company and they are famous for their cakes, candy and ice cream. Bumpy cake has always been one of their most popular cakes. It is a devils food cake with buttercream bumps and chocolate fudge icing. It comes in chocolate and yellow cake but chocolate is the best! 

Here is a picture of the cake after it was cut.  

See those rows of buttercream on the top? They totally make the cake! Do you remember those Hostess cupcakes with the cream inside and the little swirl on the top? Bumpy cake kind of tastes like that but better! 

Careful! You can gain weight just looking at this picture for too long!!

For my birthday I've requested a Bill Knapp's chocolate cake. If you haven't heard of that one I will do a post after my birthday on the 12th. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Oh my goodness I have never heard of this but WOW I would love to have one! And they are so reasonably priced (I looked at the Sanders web site)! Now, on that site there is a picture of a carrot bumpy cake, which does not have the chocolate-covered buttercream humps but which DOES bear an uncanny resemblance to something my mother loved and bought for us often at the A&P when we lived in the midwest, during the '60s. It was called Spanish Bar Cake and it was a dark, spicy cake with buttercream icing on top in a corrugated fashion, just like the Sanders carrot bumpy cake. I can still taste it in my memory and I've never since then, tasted anything like it. As for Bill Knapp's, I have great memories of eating at those when I again lived in the midwest for twelve years after my marriage. I had a friend whose favorite restaurant it was, and we made it a point to lunch there as often as we could. Wonderful food! Happy Birthday in six days, and I'll be back to see a picture of your cake~! xoxo

  2. I did not know, thanks!! Wow, this looks amazing. I have seen this kind of cake in bakeries, but never in a grocery store. Wish this place would come here. Or then again, maybe NOT, I would weigh 400 pounds!

  3. That looks so delicious. I only looked for a second though, I don't need to gain any more weight

  4. Oh my that looks sooooo good. I bet its hard to eat just one piece!!

  5. That looks rich and delicious! Glad to know what Bumpy Cake is.

  6. A bite would be probably enough for me, but it looks so decadently delicious!!

    (taking a bit of a blog break from posting but still reading :)


  7. Thank you for posting the picture! Looks yummy and the top reminds me of HoHo’s!

  8. OMG. I remember those hostess cakes and how yummy they tasted.
    I can see why he requested this cake; it looks amazing. Now, I need to go for an hour long walk to get rid of the calories by just looking at the photo! ;)

  9. I can see how even a picture, can be calorie laden... -smile-

  10. Hi Jeanette! Thanks for stopping at my blog. My mom's name was Jeanette, so I'm partial to it!
    I live between Grand Rapids and Grand Haven, on the other side of the state. We don't have Sanders cake here but I've heard of it and it sounds wonderful!

  11. It's okay for those that like chocolate...I do, but don't eat any kind of chocolate (anything with caffeine) 'cause of SVT (a heart condition)


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