Wednesday, February 3, 2021

February Photo a Day #3


Shauna took Maxwell to the toy store so he could spend his birthday money! I'm sorry he has to wear a mask right now but he looks adorable in it! 

Until tomorrow, stay safe and well my friends!


  1. I miss toy stores! We just don’t have them here anymore.

  2. Yes, he does look absolutely wonderful in his mask! He won't have to wear it forever but for now he is safe. What a handsome little shaver, even with his mask on!! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Unfort...the masks aren't going anywhere, sigh...and yes, he looks adorable. smiles

  4. I agree, it's too bad he has to wear a mask, but then, what a mask! That's so cool. I guess there must be a whole industry now making creative and fun masks for kids. This pandemic has not set me back much since I've lived most of my life. But I feel deeply sorry for children, young people, young families in the midst of what should be free and easy living. And look what they have to live through. And it looks like it's not getting any better soon.

  5. I bet he had a ball! Let us know what he decided on.

  6. He is awfully cute and I bet he had fun!

  7. What a cutie pie. I'm sure he had a blast shopping!


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