Sunday, November 7, 2021

Random Stuff

Have you ever had one of those days where you can think of a million things to do and don't want to do any of them? That's me today! I did manage to work out this morning and ran to the grocery store. That's about it though. I have no ambition to do anything other than be on this computer and watch shows on TV! 

So I thought I would dump a couple of random pictures on you guys! 

I took this picture a few days ago. It just struck me as funny because I first read it as pizza and chicken flavored smoothies! 

Shauna and Brad took the boys bumper bowling yesterday. They really liked it and did pretty well! 

I've been seeing this picture around social media lately. I just love it! I can just hear the mama lion saying "Don't even think of messing with my baby!"

This mama used to say the same thing only I don't look quite as fierce! 

Chris is coming into town on Wednesday and Rich and him will be going up north to deer camp for a few days. 

I have to take my car into the dealer next Monday to have them check on a clunking noise that it's making and also to fix something that GM recalled a few months ago. 

When my lease is up in March and if I am forced to buy it because there are no affordable options I want to make sure it's in tip top shape while it's still covered under the bumper to bumper warranty. 

That's it for now. I'll be back when I have something more exciting to talk about! 

Until then stay safe and well my friends!


  1. We leased our car for three years, and just bought it. When we signed to lease three years ago, it stated what price they would sell it to us. and now they had to stick to that price in the contract. Wow, we got a great deal, as there are no new or used cars now and prices have skyrocketed! I love seeing this picture of you, you are so pretty! I have never heard of bumper bowling.

  2. I have those kinds of days all the time any more. I have absolutely no ambition to get anything accomplished. I start out with good intentions but usually only manage to get something small done before I give up.
    That is an odd sign, I would think pizza and chicken flavored smoothies

  3. I've been known to have so many things to do and not knowing what to do also. Doesn't happen often though. :)
    Before Covid we used to go bowling with a bunch of friends most Tuesdays. Hoping some day we will be back bowling. It's lots of fun!!

  4. Some days are like that! And you deserve a day of doing nothing sometimes.
    The boys look cute at the bowling alley.
    I love that lion photo.

  5. That bowling looks like such a great time!

  6. The boys look adorable, I bet they had fun.

  7. Bumper bowling is great fun! I liked seeing the picture of you with your kids. Car issues are just below health issues as most dreaded problems to me.

  8. I love this "this-n-that" blog entry, Jeanette. It depicts life as it is for all of us, at one time or another. The pictures of the boys bowling is darling. It should be captioned: "OK, now whatcha gunna do with that big ball, sonny boy?!" *hahaha* The picture of you & your children from years ago is absolutely priceless. I love it!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. Most days, I could name a zillion things, which should be done, and I don't get to but 1 or maybe 2! LOL But that's because I am old.

    Love that lion mama pic! Those EYES! Say it all...

    Good luck with the hunting. With these shortages, it will be really helpful, this year.

    Clunking noise in car! Eeeek! Eeeek! >,-)

    🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂

  10. I'm like that most days, haahaa. Your sign reminds me of when we go into rest stops while traveling and on the door is a sign that says NO SMOKING NO PETS. And I'm always like, WHAT kind of place is this where people are likely to smoke their pets? Haahaa xoxo

  11. I loved the restaurant sign you shared. I sure don't think I would be stopping the car for pizza and chicken flavored smoothies!!

  12. It's ok to take a chill day for yourself. Chicken smoothies=GAG. ;)
    I need bumpers when I bowl!!
    Mama Bear or Mama Lion-we do what we need to, right? That's a sweet photo of you and the kiddos.

  13. Since the pandemic, I don't go out and do what I used to. So many places I used to go to are closed or out of business. Or they have shorter hours and are opened fewer times in the week. With all my free time (HA) I should be doing more but I can't seem to get myself going like I used to.

  14. The boys! I can't believe how fast they are growing! I love the picture of you and your kids; beautiful and sweet!

    Lately, I've been meaning to get something done but I don't wanna do nothin', :)

  15. Pizza chicken, that's a first. At one of our dairy queen's their sign had "We're hiring Banana Splits" all on one line. 😄

    Love the pic of the boys!! And the human mama with HER "cubs".

  16. -smile-

    From your comment, I take it that you have never had delicious goat cheese!!!!!

    I am Lactose Intolerant and need to substitute for cow milk products.

    Believe me, there ARE yummy goat cheeses, which one finds, if they can't eat regular cheese. But as long as you can, there is no need to find good goat ones.


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