Monday, June 6, 2022

Swinging Into Summer

Our SIL Brad was out of town for a golf trip last week so to give Shauna some much needed me time, we took the boys overnight on Friday. We took them to the park and after dinner we went to the dairy queen. After that we took them to the little park in our community.  We finally got them to do something that they have been too scared to do: Swing on the swings. I had a little video to show you but blogger won't let me upload it! Here's a couple screenshots. 

Rich was teaching Maxwell how to pump his legs. 

They both loved it and didn't want to get off. Then on Saturday morning we were back there bright and early to swing again! 

We had a blast with them and then after we took them home took a long nap! It was nice to be able to give Shauna a little break! 

When we picked up the boys we took Shauna's Explorer because obviously we don't have car seats in our car, Shauna asked us to fill her gas tank. 


I took this picture out the window over Rich's shoulder. $81 to fill the tank! It was $5.06 per gallon at the time and yesterday it was $5.19. 😡 The price of gas is keeping us from taking overnight trips to one of the Great Lakes like we usually do in the summer! And don't even get me started on the price of groceries! I'm so frustrated with the state of this country right now!  

This is the reminder that pops up on the screen in Shauna's car whenever you open the door. It's sad that even needs to be there! 

I'm still scanning pictures but haven't done a lot lately. I've been spending as much time as possible outside enjoying the nice weather. 

Anyway, here's a few old family pictures 

Christmas 1981. Shauna was 5 months old and Chris was 2 1/2. 

And here we are in 1989. Shauna was 8 and Chris was 10. This has always been one of my favorite family pictures in spite of me having big hair and a cigarette in my right hand! That was before we vinyl sided our house and it had ugly, baby poop colored asbestos siding! 

Anyway, that's it for me for now. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends!


  1. Gas here in Southern Illinois is 5.29 a gallon and going up almost daily. Food is as well. Our country seems to be spiraling out of control. Well most countries actually.
    I had the same hair in 1989!! I think it's a great picture that shows how it was back then.
    Have a great week!!

  2. I used to have the big hair too. Lol

  3. Big hair ruled! I was wondering about the car seats. It’s such a huge hassle to try to switch them to another car. Gas prices are bad, but cancelled flights are worse!

  4. I thought our gas prices were bad at $4.89. It's crazy. I've been trying to make fewer trips anywhere to conserve gas but it seems like I just keep having more and more appointments to go to.
    Sounds like a nice weekend with the boys and I bet your daughter really appreciated it as well.

  5. I have cigarettes too ...shame on me. Oh the boys loved getting on the swings!!! How sweet. As for gas prices, it's unbelievable and I think unnecessary (Texas has a huge surplus)....but where does it all go?!! Exported ...p!sses me off

  6. I'm glad you got to have some time with the grandsons, they looked like they had fun, and yay to them braving the swings.
    I was in high school during the 80s, big hair was the thing to have lol

  7. Gas here is also 5.19, but I got it on my way to work for 4.99. Sad when you are happy with that.
    Then I got groceries on my way home and of course that was a lot too!
    Cute pics of the kids swinging. Happy and carefree!

  8. What wonderful memories you are making with the boys! I heard that somewhere in this country, gas is $9.00 a gallon!

  9. That was nice of you and Rich to take the boys for the evening/night. Breaks like that are so much appreciated for young moms/parents :) Good too that it was a "teaching" time with the boys learning and then enjoying swinging! Gas here is $5.32 a gallon, $5.79 for the medium grade hubby likes to get. We filled up both vehicles the other day and combined they cost about what I make for the day working, lol. And you are right, don't get me talking about the price of groceries! I really feel for the working poor here who are struggling with high rent increases on top of high gas prices on top of how groceries and no end in sight!

    Fun to look at the "old" pictures from the past. Your hairstyle definitely was in fashion back then!


  10. Awwwww.... what precious pictures, Jeanette.... both present & past! Isn't it fun doing things with the kids that they don't normally do at home? When oldest lived in their first house, there was never any place for the girls to ride a when they came here, they'd ride up & down the road with wild abandon. *haha* And they'd love running through the hose too, as they never did that at home. Now that's all changed! Oldest has a house with a built-in pool and they can ride their bikes whenever they want to.... so visiting Grammie isn't quite as fun as it used to be. I miss those days a LOT! Enjoy those darling boys.... too precious! ~Andrea xoxo PS~ Yes, the price of gas & groceries. I feel especially sorry for the young people of today, like your daughter. Over $80 to fill a gas tank.... lordy day!!!!!

  11. 'Check seats for occupants' We should lock our doors when we get out of our cars. And check, even though we locked it.

    Swinging! It will now become a passion!!!!!!!! :-)))))))))))

    "😡 The price of gas is keeping us from taking overnight trips to one of the Great Lakes like we usually do in the summer! And don't even get me started on the price of groceries! I'm so frustrated with the state of this country right now! "

    But!!!!!!! An awful lot of people had to have VOTED for these *LOONS*!!!!!!!!!!

    These "LOONS" who told us exactly what they wanted to do!!!!!!!

    But an awful lot of people simply hated the Incumbent so much.

    What *LOONS* they were!!!!!

    But! November Mid Term Elections are coming.... Will you remember? Will we remember???? I surely will !!!

    🌸 🌺 🌸 🌺 🌸

  12. Yes, a lot of people voted for these loons, luckily I was not one of them! And I will remember this November! No doubt about it!

  13. I love that the boys overcame their swinging fears while visiting you. So fun!
    gas. groceries.'s all so frustrating.
    It was 129$ for Coach to fill up his truck with Diesel.

    I love the family photos; keepers for sure.

  14. Last week Brittany sent me a video of Andrew swinging next to Ember, telling her to pump her legs! Haaahaha! How nice that you had that time with the boys. The price of gas and groceries will sink the libs in the midterms. That's the only good thing about it. xoxo

  15. Love the old family photos. Looks like good times. Gas and groceries were definitely cheaper back then. We finally crossed the 5 dollar threshold this week.

  16. I can't believe the price of petrol and food here in the UK now too. People really are struggling to pay their bills. Love the old family photos. Your striped top was very trendy in the 80's!

  17. I remember taking my girls to the park and watching them swing! They loved it so much. Sweet pictures from the past, too. Gas is ridiculous here too. It was $4.49 the last time I tanked up. I'm definitely trying to be mindful of my driving to cut back.

  18. Look at y'all. Such a cute family picture and you with the long hair. I love it! It's wonderful for y'all to take the boys to the swings; seems like most of the kids I know have their noses stuck on the ipads, etc. When they're here though they do get out and play & and yes to the park also. :) xoxo


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