Sunday, June 12, 2022

Another Estate Sale Down

Estate sales have been few and far between this Spring for some reason. I do see a lot of Garage Sales, but I never go to them. 

Friday I was driving around running errands and happened to spot this sign.

I know you can't read the top, but it was an Aaron's Estate Sale. That was the company I thought about working for last year and they wanted to hire me. Too much driving far distances though so I didn't take the job. With the gas prices what they are these days I can't imagine it now! 

This was the house it was at.

It was a cute house, different than most of the houses in the area. I looked it up on Zillow and they were asking $475,000 for it! It was pending a sale too! The real estate market is ridiculous right now! 

Normally, I pay more attention to the house than the stuff in it but this one had some interesting things. It must have been the 2nd day of the sale because everything was 25% off.  Just to note, it doesn't really show in the pictures, but everything was really dirty! 

They did have a little bit of jewelry but nothing that caught my eye! Most of it was cheap looking anyway! 

There were several designer wallets: Coach, Michael Kors, Fossil. They were about $10-15 each. 

Apparently, a nurse lives here. I liked the "This is my Bah Hum Mug" mug!

There were several sets of dishes that I thought were really pretty! Filthy, but very pretty! 

This tote was filled with all different size and shapes of mirrors! 

And several totes full of picture frames! 

There was two bedrooms and a bathroom in the basement. 

This Tiffany-style lamp was pretty but very dirty! I was itching to clean it up. They wanted $150 for it. 

I almost grabbed these for the boys. They were only $8 but they have a ton of building stuff so I passed.  

I really, really, REALLY wanted this pair of snow people! They were so cute with all the little birds, and only $22.50 for the pair (after 25% discount) but I already have way too many as it is and I do not need anymore!  I forced myself to walk away without them! 

I didn't buy a single thing but I did have fun looking at all of the stuff, and also the house.  

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. It’s sad that nobody wants china dishes anymore. I don’t know what people use these days. I like Corelle, but even that is hard to find.

  2. Thank you for giving us a peak into what an "estate sale" is, Jeanette. WOW.... at those prices I'm surprised they sold anything. I had a Lincoln Log set almost identical to that, that I sold at our garage sale for 50 cents!! The box was in much better shape & it was clean, to boot! I love those snow people.... so darling!! I wish you could have bought them... but I understand why you didn't. I wouldn't have paid $22.50 either. It's fun to get out & mosey around though, isn't it. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I loved my shopping trip with you, thanks so much. I have never been to an estate sale, but would love to actually go to one. Now, on to what I would have bought! Definately the snow people and the last set of dishes.

  4. Should have grabbed the snowmen! Too cute...
    I love estate sales!

  5. wow, for an estate sale, that is pretty pricy, just saying. Grin

    I hope you have a beautiful day and upcoming week, friend.

  6. Interesting that the items were dirty. You would have thought the estate company would have done some cleaning up of them to make them more attractive for potential buyers! I agree with what Bijoux said. It is sad that nobody wants china dishes anymore, but then again my MIL had 2 sets of it and we sold both sets and I don't have any china myself lol :) It does look like a pretty house though. Real estate here is going crazy too though slowing down just a bit. I do wonder how much is really made on estate sales and if it is worth it for the companies that hold them but I guess it must be because they still are in business!


  7. I think you did the perfect thing! Had fun looking but did not buy anything!!!! Who needs more of other's stuff?????

    😊 😊 😊 😊

  8. I love shopping at estate sales. You never know what you'll find.

  9. You showed great restraint. I don’t even tempt myself anymore. Well, I try.

  10. I enjoy going to estate sales too but don't really see them around here.
    I too pass up yard sales!!

  11. Looks like there was a nice variety. Such pretty dishes too. I follow several estate sale businesses on Facebook and love looking at the pictures they post. Every now and then they post something amazing. A couple of weeks ago they had an A - frame 1980s Barbie Dreamhouse in perfect condition - don't see that every day!

  12. I never seem to find anything at estate sales. You must have better ones in your area of MI! :)

  13. That was fun looking through the house. I have only ever been to one estate sale and it was a lot of fun. The prices I could see and the ones you mentioned seemed kind of high to me except for the lincoln logs and the snowmen.

  14. Maybe the nurse worked very long hours and couldn't find the time to clean? Who knows. The snow people were very cute. I understand about having to walk away from things; I do that all the time when I see butterfly or bee items: I have TOO many already.

  15. I used to go to estate sales when we lived in Florida and found a few really nice things that I still have and use. They don't have many here as many choose to have auctions instead which I have no interest in. That Lincoln log set brought back memories. I think I had the same set.

  16. Wow, somebody really likes their knotty pine, haaaha! I can't imagine going to someone else's house and among their stuff, finding one more thing that I need to cart into this house! But then, if I went to some estate sales, I'd probably surprise myself! And if you really really really wanted the snow people, you should have bought them! xoxo

  17. I've been just flabbergasted at the price of homes now. Our little town is booming due to a new expressway with a bridge to be built over the St Johns River. Patti sold the back piece of her property so now there's a house in what used to be our back yard. A new house at the end of our street and MANY on the way for us to get to the main drag. I hate it and, Jeanette, I wonder who in the world can afford these 300-400 thousand dollars. Ugh. xoxo


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