Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Turkey Feasts and Product Recommendation

There's not a lot going on right now as we head into the dog days of summer. So far I have to say that this has been an awesome summer weather wise! I know it's been hot and humid and pretty dry too, but every evening is beautiful and we have spent a lot of time just sitting on the deck enjoying it! 

Chris sent me this funny snap chat. 

He has a wonderful garden at his house where he grows every vegetable you can imagine. He also grows strawberries and blackberries. However, he deals with a family of turkeys that live in the woods behind his house, and they will eat anything they can get their beaks on! Luckily he has his veggies inside a fence or they would eat all of those, too! 

I don't normally do product recommendations on this blog but I have to share this one. 

Our family room furniture is made of that micro-fiber material that was so popular years ago. It looked nice but has always been a cat-fur magnet. With all the cat's we've had you can imagine how frustrating it is to keep the furniture relatively cat fur free. I've tried everything from specialized vacuums to rubbing with damp rags. I even had it covered with sheets most of the time and still the fur would get on it. 

I have been seeing this little tool advertised on social media for a while. 

It sure looked like it worked good but I was reluctant to spend yet more money on a product that didn't work as expected. However, it looked so promising that I decided to go ahead and buy it and if I wasn't 100% happy, I would return it. 

Imagine my happy surprise! 

This is the arm of the couch. OK don't judge! One of my cats likes to spend a lot of time perched on the arms of the furniture and this is the result! Not all of the furniture looked this bad! Anyway, I figured this was a good place to give this little tool its first test! 

All I can say is wow! 

This is after just a few swipes and almost all of the fur came off! I was very impressed and proceeded to clean the whole couch and recliner by scraping with the tool and then vacuuming up the fur with a hand vacuum. It took me about a hour but there was no noticeable fur left when I was done! 

So if you have pets and deal with fur on furniture I highly recommend this little tool. I'm not linking to the web page, but you can see the name of the product in the picture of it. 

Work is going good. I may pick up another day in the fall after the kids go to school. It's more about not going stir crazy than earning money! Once the boys are in school than I won't see them as much so I may as well work! 

That's it for me for now. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. I love product recommendations! It's the surest way to buy things you know ahead-of-time you'll be happy with. Thank you for this one, Jeanette... and absolutely NO judgment on the cat hairs. It looks like cats that are cherished & loved live at your house...and I LOVE it!!!!! And I love you too~ Andrea xoxo

  2. one berry left, hu? lol

    hooray for a 'gizmo' that works!!!!

    working instead of going stir crazy... -giggles-


  3. Wow, this works really good. I also love the color of your couch.

  4. Wow, that is some amazing too. That did a great job of cleaning that cat hair. I should get my daughter one.

  5. I've seen that little thing advertised before. We don't have pets, but it's supposed to work well at defuzzing sweaters too. It sure worked for you!

  6. Wow, I might have to look into that product you recommended. Winslow is not allowed on the furniture but his fur still somehow makes it on there :) It would be interesting to have turkeys as neighbors, lol, as your son seems to have. Good that they don't get to all his plants he has planted. That's how I feel about work. Good to get out of the house; otherwise I'd be stir crazy :) Glad you have been able to enjoy your deck too. I like sitting outside. It can be very relaxing!


  7. Damn Turkeys!!
    I got one of those tools for Lolo who has a brat terrier who sheds like crazy and a HUSKY. Her furniture is always a mess. It does work!

  8. I always appreciate a good pet hair remover recommendation so thank you. One of the reasons we bought a leather couch is to help cut down on the dog hair but now it just accumulates on the carpet. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  9. Around here, our cat is constantly leaving his hair on the carpet!!! I will get one. Thank you very much.

  10. That is so funny about the berry! I love what you said about summer. I need to appreciate the beautiful days instead of complaining about the heat and humidity...need to appreciate things like getting only one berry too. :) That does look like an amazing little tool. I need to order one because of Eli and Ellie's long white hair. A couple years ago we ordered something similiar...called the "Hurricane Fur Wizzard". That is the most amazing thing ever! and is fun to use. The hair clings but comes off when you stick it back into the plastic holder. I told my husband, "they've finally come up with an "as seen on TV" item that really works. Amazon sells them.

  11. One lone berry. Sad.
    Thanks for the product review. You just never know what works and what doesn't until unfortunately you get it home.

  12. Just one little berry! I have been seeing that tool all over TikTok and wondered if it worked! I might have to get one. I have slipcovers on my furniture just so I can wash the cat hair off! But my rugs are another story.

  13. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead and thank you for the many smiles.

  14. We have deer and chipmunks eating everything here. Frustrating!

  15. I just read your last post too. Exciting that you already have your vacation plans all set for next summer. I felt that way for, um, the past 5 years . . . but dang it if that Yellowstone reservations have been cancelled all 5 times. 2x by us and 3 times by covid or natural disasters (flooding). *sigh* I'm in awe of the pet hair removing tool. Fortunately Finn isn't allowed in the family room, but his hair is driving me nuts. It gathers in little balls on the hardwood floor.

  16. I think we are all experiencing animals eating the contents of our gardens! Very frustrating! I don't have cats anymore but if I did I'd buy that tool!

  17. Vacation next year! Exiting and something wonderful to look forward to. We have been adopted by cats; but not inside as I am allergic. The thing is they are only a couple months old and their mama is preggers again. Yeah she needs to be 'fixed' after this batch. Here's the thing, I'm the one who usually feeds them (except for Rylan some) but when I go outside they all act scared of me except for one. Rylan states when they find a new home (due to the divorce) it's cute black and white, her name is Oreo.
    School started back here today, so Britt is having to take them from here to St Augustine and back.
    I think of you often, one of my very favorite I know. xoxo

  18. Well I need one of those fur gizmos! Sweetness the Tuxedo Cat rarely leaves the sun room but Rizzo the Chiweenie has the run of all but a few of the rooms! Hair everywhere! Thanks for the tip! xoxo


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