Monday, July 25, 2022

Planning Ahead and Shattered

As I mentioned in my last post my son-in-law Brad was already looking for somewhere for us to go next year on our vacation. The good news is he found a place! We reserved it for a few weeks later than we normally go because it was already booked through July! It's on Houghton Lake, which is an inland lake in the middle of the state a little north of center. It's the largest inland lake in the state. We used to vacation there when the kids were very small.  The best part is there is 100 feet of beach for the boys to play on! 

It looks like a great place, and we are excited but now I'm going to forget about it because it's more than a year away! 

Last Monday I took my car in for an oil change and tire rotation. I've only had it since the end of February, but it already has 5700 miles on it! Well, we did take it on two trips, to South Carolina and up north. Even though there are Chevy dealers closer to my house I took it to the dealer where I purchased it because the first oil change is on them and it didn't cost me anything. Plus I got a free car wash! Gotta get those bargains when you can, right? 

This was the display at the side of one of the stores in Mackinaw City I saw last week. It was so pretty with the blue stones and the flower yard decorations. 

This was a house under construction in downtown Plymouth. 

It's not uncommon to see construction equipment hanging from cranes at construction sites to keep people from stealing it but I've never seen a bunch of ladders hanging like this before! 

Yesterday we were sitting at our kitchen table when we heard a crash outside on our deck. 

A wind gust had grabbed the umbrella, and the force shattered our glass table! The umbrella was laying on the ground next to the deck. 

Of course, it's safety glass so it shattered into a trillion little pieces! It took us over an hour to clean it all up! There was glass in the cracks on the deck and on the lawn in front! 

Thank goodness we were not sitting there at the time or we could have been seriously cut!

I never really liked that table and I can't say I'm sorry it's gone! It was such a pain to keep clean and it really was too big for that space. I was contemplating selling it anyway. Now I don't have to bother!

I bought two cheap little side tables to use for the rest of the summer. I like it much better!

That's it for me for now. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. I'm glad the only thing shattered was the glass! And also glad you won't miss the table. But what a pain to clean up. I dropped a jar in the sink last week and had little shards of glass everywhere. I thought I had it all cleaned, and then last night I got a tiny piece in my heel. Youch!

  2. Oh my goodness, you could have been sitting there! Those hanging ladders are such a weird sight. How great that you have a wonderfual vacation to look forward to!

  3. Sorry about the table breaking but it seems like a blessing in disguise.
    Must be a great vacation place if it is booked up so far in advance.
    Odd to see the hanging ladders!

  4. Oh wow with the table, Jeanette! What a mess indeed to clean it up! We had a glass shower door that just shattered one day out of the blue. Thankfully no one was in the shower at the time and it was pretty self contained to clean it up.

    Lovely house for your vacation next year! Really, as fast as time seems to be going, it will be here before you know it! It must be a great place if it is booked that far in advance!

    I so agree with you about saving money whenever you can. I would have done the same to get the free oil change :)


  5. That's awesome that you've already got a place booked for next year. I wouldn't be able to think about it either. I would want to go now.
    I've had 2 tables in the past that did the exact same thing as yours. What a mess to clean up.

  6. I’ve never seen construction sites with stuff hanging to prevent theft. And if I did see it, I’d be confused, so thanks for the explanation. What a mess with that glass!

  7. I always say, where there's a will, there's a way'. Even for thieves

    That glass table breaking was a blessing in disguise? The time cleaning up, tho, wasn't.

    I'm ready for some time on the beach too ...take me?!!?

  8. One thing I detest is cleaning up broken glass. One of my sons was mowing the lawn when he must have run over a rock, which then broke my sliding glass door. It never shattered - it just hung. I gingerly placed tape to hold it together until the new sliding door was installed. Oh and the occasional broken glass on the floor is such a hassle and a mess. I always am concerned the pets will step on some glass. I’d say it was a blessing - you guys could have been sitting there.

  9. Your airbnb sounds great. Now you just need patience!
    We had a similar wind gust knock over an outdoor umbrella, but no glass tables. Sorry about the mess, but doesn't sound like there was much love lost.

  10. Oh no! Sorry to hear about the table! Glad that you have next year's vacation to look forward to though. Sounds exciting!

  11. I'm sure it was no fun cleaning up all of that glass. At least you didn't love the table. I like the new ones you picked out.
    Happy to hear your vacation is booked for next year.
    Enjoy your week!!

  12. A mess but you were lucky.

    Next time you don't like something, get rid of it, yourself. LOL

    💛 💛 💛

  13. I like it better now too, Jeanette. I love it when the Powers That Be take care of little things like that for us. *lol* We've had a couple of those happen too. I'm so glad your son-in-law found a new place for vacation for you all. I can't wait for the pictures already and it's a year away! ~Andrea xoxo

  14. Yay for finding a great rental for next summer. It's nice to have those plans under your belt and out of your mind.

    People will steal anything these days, won't they? So clever with the hanging ladders!

    DANG on the glass table! Glass is a pain in the azz to have outside, so Mother Nature did you a favor. 😳 I like the simplicity off the smaller tables too.

  15. Yes, you definitely need to use those freebies when you can. Glad no one was hurt when the table decided it had enough of this life. The picture of the ladders hanging from the crane is quite funny. Take care.

  16. Ooooh I love your little deck! How cute and comfy it looks! And I agree that it's better with smaller tables. I'm so glad you and Rich were not sitting there when that umbrella launched! Last week a lady here in South Carolina was killed on the beach when an umbrella was uprooted in gusting wind and impaled her in the chest. I did not know that umbrellas could be so dangerous! Great news about the vacation house! xoxo


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