Saturday, October 29, 2022

Random Stuff

There was only one Estate Sale close to me yesterday.  It was in a strangely set up house with only the kitchen, family room and garage open for the sale.

This little Christmas tree was cute. Only about 6 inches tall and it lit up. I might have considered buying it but at $15 I thought it was priced way too high! 

The refrigerator in the kitchen was tucked into a cubby hole. Can you imagine having to go in and out of that every day? 

The sign on this read "Cabinet not for sale". I'm pretty sure that's a toolbox not a cabinet anyway! I know because Rich used to have one just like it! 

All I ended up buying was this tiny little teapot for 50¢. 

I put a pen by it to show you how small it is. I'll hang it on my miniature tree with the other miniature ornaments I have. 

And this pair of earrings that I splurged and spent $5 on!

I thought they were navy blue stones but when I cleaned them off, they turned out to be purple!

In other news. Saw these on my morning walk yesterday. 

A little skeleton frog and a little skeleton turtle! This house has a quite a few skeleton animals around it. I'll have to get some more pictures the next time I walk by there. 

That's about it for me for now. We are going to Shauna's on Monday to trick or treat with the boys like we usually do. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Hope the boys have a safe (and fun) Halloween. Pics of their costumes for us in the future?!

    Love the frog skeleton!! And your purple earrings (my birthstone is amethyst)!!!

  2. I had a tiny little tea set like that.....

    Enjoy Monday night!!!


  3. Those little skeletons are kind of cute! That fridge gives me claustrophobia just looking at it! It doesn't even look like there is room to open the door all the way! Maybe they moved it there just for the sale. Beautiful earrings!!

  4. My MIL had a little Christmas tree like that! I know when we sold it, we didn't sell it for $15. (More like $1.00 or less) Cute little teapot!! I do like the earrings. That is one fun thing about walking this time of year. Looking at the decorations people have put up for Halloween! Have fun trick or treating! Hope you get a piece of candy or two from the boys!


  5. You bought some cute things. I have two ceramic Xmas trees, one from my grandma and one from my husband’s grandma. We use them every year.

  6. The purple earrings are beautiful, that's a pretty color.
    I love the frog and turtle skeletons.

  7. That little tea pot is so cute. I have a tiny little tea set like that. I'll have to post a picture of it one of these days.
    Not such a great place for the refrigerator!!!!

  8. The refrigerator layout is not very convenient!
    I like the little teapot and the earrings are pretty.
    Have fun with the boys!

  9. What a cute little teapot and the earrings are pretty.

  10. Umm...that was a great price for the tree, the taller ones for $100 and more. The smaller ones like that go for $40 and up. smiles

  11. I know you'll take pics of those little sweethearts, and I promise I'll be back to see! I really like those earrings; hope you have something to wear them with! xoxo

  12. Those ceramic Christmas trees are quite collectable!
    I'd be really mad at whoever designed my kitchen with a fridge crammed in the corner like that.
    The skeleton animals are both cute and creepy. Have a great time with the boys and take pics!

  13. My grandmother and Mother both had ceramic trees a bit bigger than the one you saw. I have no idea what happened to them but I've heard they are quite desirable now.
    What a crazy spot for the fridge. I would hate that.
    Super cute earrings you bought! Love them. Hope you had fun trick or treating!

  14. Those earrings are pretty! I just can't with the fridge in a claustrophobic little space. I'd panic every time I went to get the milk. And what's with the shiny wall? Haaahaha xoxo


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