Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Fall Decor and a Birthday Boy

I got all of my fall decorations up this week. Although I am a reluctant celebrator of Fall, I always like the way they look. 

I made this wreath by wiring garland on a wire wreath form. It was a real pain and I'm glad it's done. 

I originally planned on putting 5 pumpkins on it but they didn't look right for some reason, so I settled for one little pumpkin! It's a little plain looking but I like the colors against the blue door. The more I look at it though the more I think it needs a few more pumpkins so I'll probably add them at some point. 

Here's the rest of the decorations. 

A few people in our park are going crazy with Halloween decorations. I thought this was clever. 

One of those giant skeletons with 3 spiders on leashes. Too cute! The house across the street from us is really going bonkers! I'll get some pictures and show you next time! 

In other news, our Levi turns 5 years old today! His party was Saturday and we had a lot of fun! We got him a child's video camera and he loves it! 

So fun celebrating this sweet and sassy little boy! 

That's it for me for now. See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. A child's video camera is the perfect gift. I love all your decorations! And wow, I just love the idea of using a garland and wire form to make a wreath!! I think it looks so good! It really doesn't need anything else. But if you do add more pumpkins, I think you should only add two more and evenly space them. I may try to make one.

  2. Happy Birthday to Levi! What a cutie he is!
    I finally started decorating my porch but haven't done anything to the house. I need to get going!
    I saw a house as I was driving that had 2 of those skeletons, each with a spider. I'm thinking those things are not cheap!

  3. Happy birthday to Levi. Your fall decorations look great. I like the looks of your wreath.

  4. I like your fall decorating. You gave me an idea for Christmas with the child's video camera.

  5. Oh I like your wreath that you made!!!
    Happy Birthday to Levi.

  6. Loving all things autumn you shared

  7. All of your Fall decorations are so pretty. Such a sweet photo of your grandson. Love the cake.

  8. I really like your fall items and happy birthday Levi!!!!

  9. Happy fifth birthday to Levi. The boys are growing up so fast.
    I love all your fall decor! I suppose it's coming whether you like it or not. 😜😜😜

  10. Happy Birthday Levi! I have been looking for a children's camera for my nephew.. which one did you get?
    Your fall decor looks great.

    1. Hena It's called the GKTZ Kids Video Camera I got it on Amazon. He loves it! My 6 almost 7 year old grandson does too!

  11. Awwwww! A belated but no less sincere and joyous HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Levi! We have an acquaintance in a neighboring neighborhood who does so much stuff in his yard for Halloween, it is MIND BOGGLING. He has TWO of those massive skeletons -- one on each side of his front porch. A full-size old-timey hearse drawn by a skeleton horse, and so much more, I could not begin to describe it. I can't imagine what would move me to spend that kind of money and expend that kind of effort for any holiday, much less Halloween, but it's fun to see. xoxo


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