Monday, October 2, 2023

All Things Miniature

Way back in the day when my kids were very young I was crazy about miniature things. I wanted to build one of those miniature houses that had a bunch of rooms, and everything was to 1 inch scale.  Kind of like this. 

I wanted it to be very intricate and detailed with working lights and all the bells and whistles! It was going to be a long and tedious process and I was so looking forward to it! 

The problem was we lived in a pretty small house with no basement or spare room, our kids were pretty young and I was a stay-at-home mom, so I didn't have the money to buy all of the expensive things I would need to make it.

Later when the kids were older and I was working once again, I still had the desire but no time between working and shuffling kids all over! 

I did manage to collect a few things for my house project, though. I even got a few miniature furniture kits and Rich built a couple of dressers and a cute china cabinet. 

When Shauna graduated we moved into a house with a basement so I finally had the room to build my dream miniature house.  But by that time was I was quickly losing interest in doing it! 

We stored all of the things I collected and the furniture Rich made in a box in the basement, thinking maybe one day I would have desire once again to build it! 

That never happened. After 20 years of living there I never did want to even start on it! When we were cleaning out the basement getting ready to sell the house I found the box everything was stored in. Unfortunately the wooden furniture had molded and we had to throw it all away. I kept everything else though and have it displayed in a little box on the wall here in my computer room. 

Here's some close ups with a quarter for comparison. 

Sorry if the pictures are a little blurry. There are a few more things that I have put hooks on and hung on my Christmas tree. I'll post them when I get my tree ornaments out. 

In other news, I have about 2 more weeks at my job. It's getting depressing going in there and watching the place literally being dismantled a little more each time. I will be glad when it's all over with. 

I have a couple job prospects going on right now but, of course, I won't say anything about them yet. 

I did interview and got turned down on a part time teller job at a bank. It was fine though because I wouldn't have taken the job if they offered it to me anyway! The pay was good but there would have been too much pressure to sell financial products to customers! 

I'll leave you with this photo of Maxwell watching videos on my laptop. 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Miniatures are so neat. There’s a blogger I follow off and on who does big dollhouses in miniature. She hand makes a lot of items and they are very clever. I love how she manages to recycle trash (such as a toothpaste cap) into a lampshade.

  2. The tiny lamps are adorable. And the mug rack with mugs, I have never seen a miniature one! It is so cool! What a good idea to show them off! When I was a child, I always wanted a dollhouse, but never got one.

  3. Oh Jeanette! I'm sorry about the job! Maybe now is the perfect time to find a job you would love doing! A Zoo? Book store? A bakery?
    I even thought about coming out of retirement to cook at a small cafe...lolol...
    You'll find the perfect job!!
    Big Hug,

  4. How cute all those pieces are. I've always loved the looks of those houses but never had the desire or money to have one.
    That would be depressing watching everything being dismantled at work. Hope all goes well in the job hunt.

  5. I've always been intrigued by miniatures too, but space is always an issue.
    Praying the right job comes along soon.

  6. I love miniatures too.
    Ken's sister did build one of those houses that lit up and all. It was really something to see.
    I have a little collection of mini rowe pottery.
    Best of luck with the job hunt.

  7. I like miniatures as well. I like how you have them in a display frame.

  8. Banking has changed from what it used to be, that is for sure.

    I love the miniatures. I loved looking at those little houses (I always called them doll houses, even if you don't have dolls) and I like how you've displayed your remaining pieces; very clever.

  9. I love all of your miniatures and how you have them displayed. Very cute. Good luck on the job search. It must be very depressing to go in to work now.

  10. Good luck on the job search.
    Your miniatures are adorable.

  11. Those miniatures are beautiful.
    Good luck with the job search.


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