Tom is still in the hospital. He continues to have breathing issues. He has fluid behind his lungs and it's making it difficult for him to breath easily. They have him on medication and they are waiting to see if it helps. If not, they will have to go in with a needle and draw the fluid out. Poor Tom. I feel so bad seeing him labor to breath. Plus he just looks tired and frustrated and scared. Judy and I went to lunch a couple times. On Thursday we went to Kohl's after she got home. I figured she needed a little break. We were joking we should have gone to the bar afterwards!

My lilac bush is in full bloom. It smells so wonderful. I wish it would stay in bloom all year. As you can see, it badly needs trimming!
Marie and I walked for 30 minutes and then had breakfast. We stopped at the Plymouth Farmers Market on the way home and she bought two hanging baskets. I am not in the mood yet for flowers for some reason. I better get in the mood thought because next weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I must have flowers planted by then. It's my personal goal this year!
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