Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Winners

Workin hard writing a novel. OK So the picture is totally posed but it looks real enough! Of course if he was seriously writing a novel he probably wouldn't be drinking beer and eating potato chips at the same time.

Here's our newly painted bathroom. I love the color but it was a royal pain to paint because it's so small, and the ladder wouldn't fit anywhere and it was hard to move around but we did it and it was worth the trouble.

Of course whenever there is a box anywhere it must be explored and sat in.

That's it for this week. Haven't been playing with my camera much but you can see more Weekly Winners over at Lotus's place.


  1. Why posed ? I would drink a glass of wine and eating chips and even smoke (but I stopped) while writing, lol ! and your cats are doing the same as mine, one is sitting in my suitcase because I returned from Greece yesterday !

  2. We have a box of my stuff in our spare bedroom. It's full of I don't know what.

    But we often find our cats napping in it. :)


  3. I didn't paint but did do some changes to the bathroom, and it makes such a difference. Love the meows, too!

  4. Great shade in the bathroom! Love love love the kitty pic~too cute!!

  5. Love the kitties in the box!

  6. I painted Deeder's room a couple months after we moved in and found the same thing to be true--a lot more trouble (and money) than I planned on in the beginning of the project! Yet at the end, so worth it.

  7. What is it w/ cats and boxes?! So cute!!! Love your bathroom color. We're tiling a huge area in our kitchen/guest bathroom/pantry/laundry room and I swear it's taking forever and ever and ever!!!


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