Monday, June 30, 2008

Getting It Together On The Weekend

We had a great weekend in spite of the rain as usual. At least didn't rain all day, but it did rain every day.

Went to dinner on Friday night as usual. On the way home we stopped to check on Shauna's kitties. She is on vacation up north and we are watching them for her. Her apartment is really cute and she keeps it pretty clean. The kitties miss her!!

Saturday Marie and I had breakfast and then went to Costco. Actually, I was looking for a Wii Fit. Chris and Marissa brought theirs over a few weeks ago and it is really cool. It's so popular that it sells out as soon as the store gets them. They did manage to find us a Wii last week but the Wii Fit program is no where to be found! I did get some other stuff at Costco but only spent $79. Anyway, after we got done shopping the rain was coming down so hard we had to sit in Costco for 15-20 minutes waiting for it to slow up enough to go to the car!

Sunday morning we checked on the kitties again. They were happy to see us! They miss their mama!! On the way home we stopped and bought a new propane BBQ grill. This is how it looked out of the box:

I never dreamed it would be in so many pieces. I figured put on the legs, put on the lid and maybe the side shelves. Sheese. It took us more than 3 hours to put it together but this is the end result:

Worth it. Now we need to get a propane tank, fire it up and grill something!! I figure it would be nice to come home from work and just grill some burgers or chicken breasts or something, instead of cooking in the oven or microwave.

After dinner we went for a walk on the new nature trail that Canton Parks and Recreation built a few weeks ago. It was pretty deserted and a little spooky, but beautiful. It was nice and shaded, cool and peaceful. Lots of green and lots of bugs too. You couldn't stand still for too long!!

Then we went for a ice cream which is beginning to be a weekend habit!! It was a pretty nice weekend. Now it's Monday again, but at least it's my early week and a short one, too!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Brenda's Photo Challenge--Orange

Orange sign on my department door.

Orange Mother's Day card.

Orange daylilies in a vase at work.

Thanks to Joni for hosting this weeks Brenda's Photo Challenge. Jump over and to see more!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ranting and Perinnial Annuals

We had a nice weekend up at Tom and Judy's. Got stuck in severe thunder storms with hail twice! Went for a walk Sunday morning and saw a few deer. I saw one that was laying in the ferns growing along the side of the road. I would not have known she was there it she hadn't stuck her head up! Of course, I did not have my camera with me. Just my cell phone but the picture did not come out very good.

This time of year every morning when I am on my way to work I wish I could stay home and just enjoy the beautiful morning. Drink my coffee on the patio and just relax instead of rush to get ready and out the door. Oh well. I would need to be rich enough to never worry about a medical bill again, which is not too likely to happen in the near future! At least I have a job that is fairly tolerable.

Rich hurt his wrist at work and after waiting a few months with it not getting any better, he finally went to the doctor. They took a x-ray of course. Now it is 8 days later and he has yet to hear anything from the doctor's office about the results of his x-ray. I like my doctor but it's frustrating when they take their sweet time with results!

It's been raining every day here for a week practically. And it's warm too so it's humid. One good thing (see I can say something good!) is the plants and flowers are growing like crazy. We have this barrel in the front of the house that we planted a bush in a few years ago. Last summer I planted petunias around the bottom of the bush. It looked pretty. Over the winter for some reason the bush died. I don't know why.. maybe it got too big for the barrel. Anyway, we were going to take the barrel apart and trash it because its not in that great of shape. Well, for some reason the petunias that I planted last year decided to grow all by themselves this year! See? I did not plant those! Anyway, the crappy barrel stays up at least for the summer!

Well, that's it for now. Looking forward to the weekend, even though they are predicting a rainy one!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekly Winners

We visited my SIL up north this weekend. On Saturday evening we took a walk down a country road.

And we walked by this pretty lake.

Why oh why must she always stick that thing in our face?

Simba says we can take his picture anytime as long as he can sniff the camera!

Click to visit Lotus and more weekly winner pictures.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Walking and Sunsets

We had a pretty busy weekend. Friday night we went to dinner and then I went into a store in the same mall as the restaurant was to see if they had any shoes I could buy. We ran into the mother of one of the kids that Chris went to high school with. It had probably been 15 years since I saw her. Funny, she looked old to me, when she is probably my age or close to it. Makes me wonder what I look like to someone who hasn't seen me in a while.

Saturday morning I was up fairly early so I walked for 30 minutes. I love walking in the morning.. so quiet and peaceful, no noise or traffic. Later on Rich went to see his mom and his sister and I went to a couple of garage sales. I didn't get anything great but I did manage to find a new-in-the-box Corning-Ware casserole/microwave dish with a lid for only $5. Saturday night we went to a surprise birthday party for my SIL mother. It was fun and we said good luck to my niece Angela, who is moving to Ohio to go to school. We left the party early to go to the Canton Liberty Fest at Heritage Park. It was PACKED as usual. We usually don't go to those things because I hate crowds, but John Corbett and his band were going to be there and I had to see him. I so loved him as Chris in Northern Exposure. He's a cutie! We only stayed for a few songs. They were pretty good...kind of country rock sounding. There were going to be fireworks but we did not want to stay because the crowds...and we would have been a hour getting home!!

Sunday was Father's Day and kind of a lazy day. I did manage to walk 35 minutes in the morning. Went grocery shopping. Didn't see my dad but I did leave a message for him! I know..I suck. But I will buy him dinner on Friday. Shauna came over later to see Rich and give him lottery tickets and a subway gift card.

Monday I was off work because we had appointments. I walked again in the morning. I love to do that! We went out to Jim's office and got our teeth cleaned. Chris and Marissa were there too! In the evening I decided to go see Sex and the City. Rich obviously did not want to go so I went alone. It was a good movie, I really liked it. I want to rent all of the seasons and see them from beginning to end. I never really watched it when it was on. Only for a short time when we had HBO for free.

That's all for now. I leave you with a pretty sunset that we had the other night.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Weekly Winners

My town had their Liberty Fest this weekend. This was a lego city on display. It was pretty awesome!

The REAL reason we went to the Liberty see this guy, John Corbett and his band. He's cute.

I'm sure glad I don't work for this company!!

Kitties gotta get their recommended daily allowance of veggies too!

Click to visit Lotus and more weekly winner pictures.

Brenda Photo Challenge-Communication

Newspapers...good for communication.....also lining bird cages, starting fires in fireplaces and training puppies!

Email---How did we ever live without email and our computers? I can't imagine!

Junk annoying communication but a communication nontheless!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Waiting In Line To Work

My hours at work vary every other week. One week I work 7:30-4:00 and the next week I work 8:00-5:00. On the days that I work the later shift I like to park in the closest lot in my color designation that I can, because then when I get off at 5:00, it's just a 10 minute walk to my car rather than a 25 minute shuttle ride to a further lot. So in order to park in that closer front lot, I have to get there at approximately 7:10 and wait in a line like this:

People come down one by one and one by one the people in the line take their parking spots. It sucks but it is a necessary evil when you work at a gigantic hospital like I do. So I make sure I have my book and my coffee and I just kick back:

And if I get really bored, I take pictures with my cell phone!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekly Winners

Beautiful light in the entrance at casino we visited this weekend.

My little clematis is doing good! Love the big flowers.

Fake light house on the beach in New Buffalo, MI

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yay Red Wings!!

Woo Hoo!!

Last night the Red Wings won the Stanley Cup. It was a great game, very exciting.

Detroit needed this.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Time Well Spent

Friday night I met my cousin Deb for dinner. That is something I have never done before and it was really nice to see her and spend time just talking to her. We so often lose touch with our extended families because every one is busy with their own lives that sometimes the only time you see them is at weddings and funerals. We plan to do that more often, and I think we surely will.

Marie and I did our usual walk and breakfast on Saturday morning and then after she dropped me off, I went and had a French manicure done.

That's only my left hand because I could not stay still for 5 minutes, and messed the right hand up a little! I need to have manicures more often. Not for the polish necessarily, but my cuticles look great!

Saturday evening we went to a 25Th anniversary party for Don and Linda. Her mom threw it for them and it was supposed to be a surprise. Rich and I were responsible for getting them there and we pretty much sucked at it. Oh we got them there, but we did not have a good excuse so we just drove to the location and then just told them what was going on before they walked in! Kind of blew the surprise, but it was very nice and we all had a good time.

Her mom made an absolute TON of food, enough for 50 people! It was all so good. We stayed and helped clean up and then followed her home so we could help carry stuff in from the car. It was a great party.

Sunday I spent a few hours washing windows. I consider it time well spent because there is nothing nicer that clean, sparkly windows. I used Robyn's All-Purpose Cleaning Concoction. You mix one pint of 70% alcohol, 1/2 cup suds-free ammonia and 1 tsp of dish washing liquid in a gallon jug, fill the rest with water and pour into spray bottles. This stuff rocks!! The windows came out wonderfully, not a streak to be found! Anyway, I highly recommend mixing up a batch and using it on everything.

It was beautiful out today. Sunny and 82 degrees. Perfect summer weather and it's cooling off now for good sleeping tonight!

The Red Wings are playing in the Stanley Cup finals as I write this. They are losing 2-1. Lord, I hope they win tonight. Detroit could use a good thing to happen for a change! Between the joke of a mayor and the joke of a city council, not to mention the extremely high crime rate, Detroit is sorely in need of help from somewhere. I little positive attention would be nice. I don't live in the city, but I was raised there and it will always be in my heart.

Tigers are playing tonight, too. I hope they win. They are definitely in my heart

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...