Thursday, July 24, 2008


I have had some problems sleeping this week. On Monday night I woke up in the middle of the night for a few hours. On Tuesday I could not go to sleep until at least 2:00 am. Even taking an OTC sleep aid didn't help. Last night I took Xanax and slept like a baby. My body is tired I just needed to shut my mind off I guess.

Tonight Shauna and I are going to see Grease at the Cherry Hill Village Theater. It will be the first time I've been to that particular theater and a LONG time since I've been to any stage production. Well, I take that back..I was at my nephews high school production of Oklahoma about 6 years ago, which was surprisingly good. Anyway, Shauna always loved the movie Grease so I figured she would enjoy this.

Sunday we leave for our upper peninsula vacation. I have been researching places to go and things to do up there. Not that I am a fanatic about planning every minute of a vacation but it is the upper peninsula and therefore, you must find everything to see and do or boredom could set in really fast! I am so looking forward to getting away, though.

I got my hair cut last night. She really went to town on my hair and it is a little shorter than I like it to be. Why is it that you can go to a stylist and she/he gives you a great cut the first time, and then the next time...not so great? I got a lot of compliments at work this morning, though, so I guess it looks OK. It grows pretty fast so in a few weeks it should be at a perfect length.

Thats all for now. Two more days of work. Woo Hoo!!


  1. Sounds like you need a vacation just for you. Maybe a few books, your favorite drinks, and snacks, and plenty of rest. I hope you have loads of fun!

  2. I hope that you have a wonderful trip, and we're going to be expecting pictures now, ya hear?! I know what you mean about hair cutters. I have the same problem. The good thing about it being short is that it will be super easy to take care of on your trip!

  3. Awww, sleep problems are the WORST!! I hope you get better rest from now on.

    Your post brings back a long forgotten memory of seeing Grease on Off Broadway. It was GREAT!! I loved it!! I know you will also. Have a wonderful time!!

    If I don't see you again, have a wonderful vacation!!

  4. Stop by my place for a surprise.

  5. Zanax/Xanax now that's what I'm talking about! I wish I had a prescription for it. I could use one every once in awhile for a great sleep.

  6. Hi! Just cruising by. Just wanted to say on that sleep thing, try counting backwards from 100, it is sort of like counting sheep and really does help!


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