Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kittie Close Ups

In case anyone couldn't guess, I like to take pictures of our cats.

They make pretty pictures.

Especially in the sunlight.

And you can get pretty close as long as you use the zoom..and don't stick the camera in their face!

This week is dragging and work is stressful. This weekend it's supposed to be sunny and cool and hopefully we will get some yard work done.

Oh well, TV sucks tonight..the Tigers are losing and Obama is giving a speech. Guess I'll go bury my nose in a good book!

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Anything Metal

A big thanks to Jan of Murrieta 365 for hosting this challenge! LOTS of options on this one. It was hard to stay with just a few!

Iron design on a candle holder.

Worn out aluminum storm door.

Pretty little copper bowl.

Brushed nickel knobs.

Beautiful chrome wheels on my car...OK so the wheels on my car aren't really chrome..they're plastic! But they sure look real!

Edited to add: I get to host the next Brenda Photo Challenge. Woo hoo! I'm so excited! The date will be May 9th and the theme is going to be "Circles"

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Lately we've noticed that our elderly cat Tori is not able to see very well anymore. Her pupils are always huge, like they are trying to take in as much light as possible. When she walks toward something she veers off at the last second before she bumps into it so we know she's not completely blind. Plus I think she is getting hard of hearing too. She won't acknowledge any sounds and won't respond until we touch her.

We've got her in 1991 when she was just a kitten so she's 18 years old now. It breaks my heart that her time with us is slowly coming to an end. She was and still is the best cat we owned. She still eats good and hasn't lost any weight yet. I just hope she stays healthy and with us for a while longer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Getaway and Easter

Last Saturday I drove up to Frankenmuth and Birch Run to do a little shopping and to get a little "me" time.

Frankenmuth is a little town with a Bavarian theme. It's a popular tourist attraction here in Michigan and they are known for their chicken dinners. There is lots of little shops and a nifty covered bridge.

Birch Run is a large outlet mall with practically every outlet store you can think of from Nike to Corelle and everything in between. I bought this pretty summer purse at the Fossil outlet.

It was rather sad to see there was a lot of empty stores. The economy has really taken it's toll on this outlet. There was a time when you could barely find a parking spot on a Saturday.

I stayed the night and just got some dinner to go, surfed the web, watched a movie (Nights in Rodanthe, good but sad!) and read and just relaxed.

On Sunday morning I wanted to get home early because I had desserts to make for Easter dinner. I was all set to go at about 7:00 am when accidentally locked my keys in the car, with the car running! The hotel clerk had to call a towing company for me and after about 45 minutes they finally got my car open! Luckily he didn't charge me a arm and a leg for calling so early on Easter morning! Then driving home I missed the I-75 to I-23 expressway turn off and went about 20 miles out of my way!

Apparently I can't be left on my own! I still had nice little break and will do that again someday!

Sunday night we had dinner at my dads house. I made a tiramisu bowl which was really good! It was really nice to get together with all of my brothers and sisters-in-law and their kids! I still feel sad going to my dad's house even though my mom's been gone for almost 7 years. I still see her touches all over the place.

It's bittersweet.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Favorite Color

Time for another photo challenge already?

A big thanks to Donna of Made In Heaven for hosting this challenge! It was a fun one!

I guess I really don't have one single favorite color, but I love anything colorful and especially a blend of pastel colors!

Like my childhood books on my bookcase.

Some of the magnets on my refrigerator.

Flowers on the coffee table.

And my nifty camera bag!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cow Subdivision

I live in a pretty much urban area. We are surrounded by subdivisions with houses similar to the one we live in. I am less than two miles from a main road where you can find every store and restaurant you would ever need. A road so congested with traffic on Saturdays and rush hour that I avoid it like the plaque!

Anything I need to buy is conveniently within a 5-10 minute drive from my house.

And right smack in the middle of all of that is this:

I love to drive by to look at these animals!

Probably the closest I'll ever get to living in the country!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...