Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Favorite Color

Time for another photo challenge already?

A big thanks to Donna of Made In Heaven for hosting this challenge! It was a fun one!

I guess I really don't have one single favorite color, but I love anything colorful and especially a blend of pastel colors!

Like my childhood books on my bookcase.

Some of the magnets on my refrigerator.

Flowers on the coffee table.

And my nifty camera bag!


  1. Great colors Sweetie!! I Love that camera bag!! All I Ever see here, is black or brown...hughugs

  2. Wonderful challenge photos Miz Jeanette! It's hard to chose one favorite when there is so much to love about colors.

  3. ah, very good...mostly all the people I have visited so far have had trouble choosing one color...not for me...I know my favorite!

  4. Awwww, there's nothing like books from our childhood. That was a unique idea!!

    Have a beautiful day!

  5. Mostly all the people I have visited so far for this challenge have had trouble choosing a color...not me. I know my favorite! Though, like you I also have favorite combinations too!

  6. Pastels are cool. Love your photo choices.

  7. Love all your photos Jeanette, the camera bag is really cool.My camera bag is colorful also! But I love that you have all your childhood books all lined up like old friends. I still have all my Nancy Drew books, they look a bit sad but I am not giving them up. LOL Good challenge!

  8. Hey, that's a kewl camera bag! Love those pastel colors too!

  9. I coulnd't pick a favorite color either. Life is full of color so we can enjoy them all. Great pictures!

  10. I love all those gelati colours :-) All those pastels tweaked just a little brighter.



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