Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well, two more days to Christmas and I am pretty much done with everything. Just got some wrapping yet to do and a couple gift cards to get..and that's it.

Had company for dinner on Saturday. I am finished with the entertaining for at least a year, I think. I enjoy having company but preparing a house with six cats for company is a monumental undertaking! We had a good time though!

Sunday I made cookies. Here's another thing that I am done with. I never really had the patience to make cookies so I never really did a good job of it. I've decided that from now on I will stick to cakes or bars or pies or anything easy, but no more cookies.

I have to work on Christmas Eve but hopefully will get off early. The next week I am off on New Years Eve for a 4-day weekend.

Zoe just wants to be left alone to lay under the Christmas tree all day!


  1. I think Zoe is the one that knows how to do Christmas up right. I'm about ready to go hide myself!
    Have a great Christmas!

  2. Whew! Doesn't it feel great to finally get caught up with all the extra stuff to do at the holidays?! As if our lives aren't busy enough, LOL. Best wishes to you for a Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas!! Hope you had a Great one!!!hughugs


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Mock Fried Rice

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