Sunday, January 24, 2010

Quiet Weekend

It's Sunday night and this has been a pretty quiet weekend.

Friday night we did not do dinner with the usual gang. Seeing as we were on our own for the night we decided to try a new (to us) restaurant called Deadwood in Northville. I know several people that have been there and we wanted to try it. Well, it must be pretty good because there was a hour wait to be seated. However,there is no restaurant good enough to wait a hour for so we left. We'll try again some time when we can go earlier!

Saturday we went to the Plymouth Ice Festival.

This usually attracts tons of people every year. The ice sculptures are usually huge and very impressive. This year not so much.

Oh, there was some good ones..

But there used to be sculptures that were 10 feet tall and so incredibly detailed that it was amazing. I suppose they lost their sponsers due to the economy. There is nothing untouched by this economy.

We enjoyed it anyway and it was actually not too cold out so we were able to take out time and look at all of the carvings.

In the evening we went to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant downtown with my brothers and their wives. Thre was eight of us. We had a great time and the food was excellent! We don't do that often enough!

Today was a quiet day. It's so gloomy out and has been for days! We really need to see the sun pretty soon around here! Oh I did talk to a old friend who lives in Cape Coral Florida! I was tempted to tell her to make up the guest bedroom cuz we're jumping on the next plane out of here!!

Tomorrow I have a appointment at my primary care doc for my 3-month diabetic blood work and at the urologist for that fun procedure! The good thing is the appointments are in the morning and I am off for the rest of the day! That in itself is worth it!


  1. wow, all beautiful ice-sculptures!

  2. Even though they aren't large or plentiful, those sculptures sure are lovely! Thanks for sharing!

    Hope everything goes OK at the doctor appointments. I have a couple of check-ups scheduled for next month.

  3. Oh, I love the ice sculptures!! Beautiful!
    And I just won't wait an hour for a seat Either!!

  4. Beautiful sculptures; I've never seen any and those are wonderful!!

    Hope your appointments went well!

    Happy Hump Day, Jeanette!! (((hugs)))

  5. Thanks for entering my little giveaway for 300 posts! I've got you entered twice! LOL, loved your answer on your favorite post in the last 100. I think the sale of the cottage was my highlight too!!!!! We were so relieved!

    Have a great weekend, sweetie!

  6. Love these!!

    Just hunting for The Brenda Photo Challenge pictures...Hahaa...Don't worry...Others forgot too!
    Happy Saturday!!

  7. Sometimes smaller is better! The ice show happened in spite of the troubled economy! I love the sculptures ~ especially the fish! WR


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