Saturday, February 27, 2010

the Brenda Photo Challenge -- Wood

It was hard to stick to three pictures due to the fact that my house is wood from one end to the other!

Wood magnet with miniature cups.

Wood clock that my son made back in Middle School.

Wood bar against wood paneling!

Go HERE to see more Brenda Photo Challenge pics!


  1. Great job on the photos! Your son did an amazing job on that clock!

  2. Yes, i know what you mean. It was very hard for me, too, to choose the photos. You did excellent choise!!!

  3. Well!!!! Isn't you Son Handy to have around the house?!!!! What a wonderful job he did!!
    Love all the wood sweetie!
    Well Done!!

  4. I know what you mean! It was hard to keep the pictures down to three, LOL! You son sure did a gorgeous job on that clock - awesome!

  5. What a cute little magnet that is. Great wood shots.

  6. Oh, I love the clock! I know you treasure it.

    Have a great weekend, buddy! :)

  7. Great wood photos! That clock is beautiful. Well done!

  8. These are excellent. I heart the magnet, I LOVE IT!! You have some great wood all around!

  9. Very good photos. Love the little magnet and WOW on the clock...what a good son! :)

  10. It's hard to stick to just 3 pictures! I love the clock, it reminds me of the one that hung in my grandparents house for years.

  11. Hi Girl!
    I'm using your Fruit suggestion for the next Brenda Photo Challenge...with a twist!Hahaa...


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