Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March

In two weeks we get to Spring forward. That to me is the official start of Spring! This week is going to be in the mid to upper 30's and hopefully will start to melt some of this snow! This weekend the temps are supposed to be in the 40's! Woo hoo!!

I long for sunshiny days and balmy nights!!

Friday I did not leave the house all day. There was no estate sales to go to. I was going to go to the bank and to the grocery store, but the weather was atrocious..snowing and blowing and cold so I just figured I would stay home! Got the house really clean though so it wasn't a totally lazy day!

Saturday morning I had a bright and early dentist appointment. Afterwards, I went to a huge Salvation Army Thrift store not too far from the dentist office. I bought this necklace:

It has 4 stones that look garnets and a pretty purple one in the middle. I can't figure out exactly how to wear it though. I think its supposed to be worn like this:

But the charm slowly slips down all of he way and that looks kind of stupid.

Any ideas before I just take the charm off and use a regular chain? Or maybe I'm completely off and it's not even a necklace! Ha! I wouldn't be surprised!


  1. hahaha!! Well, it's pretty! I have NO idea how you wear it though. :)

    Happy ALMOST spring. I can't wait except that means I'll no choice but to try and get the yard back in shape. I know how bad your weather has been, but I swear this has been the worst for my yard in years. It looks like I'm going to have to start completely over!! eeks!

    Have a great day, Jeanette!! (hugs to you).

  2. Our spring sure is taking its time here! We had snow showers this morning - ugh! Great score on the necklace, but I'm not sure how it is supposed to be worn.

  3. I hope you can look around soon and see flowers bloomin'. It's been a long winter, hasn't it?

    I think the necklace looks interesting worn just like that. It's nice.

  4. I have never seen a necklace like that. I love the stones in it though.

  5. Maybe you're just supposed to knot it.
    The weather is improving here. We've had about three days of sunshine, but it's still quite cold. I did plant some primroses in the front garden this morning, and dug over one of my vegetable beds this afternoon. I'll be planting some seeds in the next few days I think.


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