Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy Weekend

There has been a real lack of estate sales lately so that past few Fridays I've spent actually cleaning and getting stuff done. This past Friday I went grocery shopping so I did'nt have to bother with that this weekend.

Saturday we had the kids over for dinner. I hadn't had them over since Christmas so it was overdue! Good thing I don't have them often because I made lasagna and garlic bread and salad. Then we had brownies with ice cream and hot fudge for desert! Can't eat like that too often but we had a very enjoyable night!

Today we went to see mother in law. She's doing pretty good for a almost 92-year-old lady! She was complaining about her left arm hurting her. We wondered what that was about until my sister in law said that when she goes up and down the hallway in her wheelchair she pulls herself along by the rail against the wall! She hates turning the wheels of the wheelchair, I guess!

Later we met Rich's sisters and brothers in law, nephew, wife and baby for lunch.

It was a beautiful weekend weather wise. In the 40's and sunny every day! Spring is in 2 weeks! YAY!! It's supposed to be in the 50's the beginning of this week so that should take care of pretty much all of the snow!

This is what's left today:

Goodbye snow...till the next time!!


  1. I DO hope it is the end of the snow!

  2. It's almost here~SPRING!!! I'm so excited! I know that people think living in FL is a piece of cake, but we've actually had several freezes and I have the electric bills to show for it. hahaha

    Have a great week, buddy!! :)

  3. Can't WAIT for Spring!!!


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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...