Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Dreadmill and Memory Lane

Wow, three-day weekends sure do go by fast!

I am going to try to go to at least one estate sale on Fridays. I love them but I think I enjoy going into the different houses, more than I enjoy actually hunting for bargains. This time I went into a redone old house in downtown Plymouth. It was gorgeous, with black and white checkered marble floor, arched doorways with ornate carvings and pillars. Very nice. I bought a set of plates for my wall rack.

Drove to another house that was deep in the woods on a very narrow road. This house was loaded with stuff, and I left without buying a thing! I try to refrain from buying knick-knacks because I have too many of those already. If I bought everything that caught my eye, my house would overflow with crap! If I can't think of a specific place or use for an item, then I won't buy it.

I have been wanting to get a new treadmill for a while now. I have been pricing them and found one I liked at Sears last week. Saturday we went there to buy it. When we walked in we passed a sales lady who was helping another customer. She asked us if we wanted the key to turn the treadmills on to try. We said yes, she gave it to us and then went back to helping her customer. As we were looking at a particular treadmill, a salesman came up and was answering some questions we had. Then the first sales lady came up to us and told the other guy that we were her customers. He got mad and stormed off, saying he was telling so-and-so that he was tired of her stealing his customers! The sales lady excused herself and went back to the people she was helping in the first place. We kept looking at the different ones, and here comes the second salesman again. Just as we were getting ready to tell him we would take the treadmill, the sales lady came back to us asking if we wanted her to check and see if they had that one in stock for delivery! So there we are, sales people on both sides of us waiting for us to choose which one of them we will give the sale to! To say that it was a uncomfortable situation is an understatement! To make a long story short (too late!) we did the only thing we could think of to do, we walked out! Without buying a treadmill! Went to another Sears about 6 miles away and bought it there! I need to write a letter to Sears and let them know that that was not cool!

Later Rich and I took a quick tour of our old neighborhoods. We both grew up in Detroit. Here is the house that I lived in from birth, until I was 19 years old. I had heard that it was boarded up and so it was:

My parents raised 4 kids in that tiny house with one bathroom! Every corner of that neighborhood holds a memory for me! It breaks my heart to see it go to ruin. And I really wanted to pry one of those boards off and go see inside that house!

Rich grew up in Detroit too. This house was about 8 miles away from mine and is burned and boarded up! That's where he lived when we first met and started dating.

His neighborhood was really bad..every other house was either burned or empty or collapsed! Needless to say, we just quickly drove through!

Sunday was a clean the house day. We watched The Godfather. Good lord, how many times can you watch a movie? I think I have seen that movie at least 25 times, but yet every time I see it on TV I watch it!

My favorite line: "Leave the gun. Take the cannollis!" Ha!!


  1. I would have walked out to! How embarrassing for you!!
    Love that line!!!Hahaaa

  2. I'm like you, love the estate sales but especially seeing the homes. The plates are wonderful.

    I know that broke your heart to see the house you grew up in; I've had a similar experience seeing the one that we lived in and the first that my parents had built when we finally settled in this town. I look at it and can't believe we all FIT! Tiny, but it was home and I miss those sweet days.

    Yeah, it sounds like those sales person's need a good talking to. :)

  3. I actually live right next door to the house I grew up in, so I can only imagine how sad it would be to see my childhood home boarded up.

    When my parents sold their house and moved to an apartment, I was already living in this house, but I was so sad to see my parents move out. Fortunately, I love our neighbors now and have forgiven them for buying the house! :)

  4. That is so sad to see the old houses boarded up like that! My old childhood home got razed several years ago. It's funny to think back how families manages with just one bathroom!

    I don't blame you about Sears. I would have walked out too!

  5. Your Sears experience sounds horrendous. I think you did well to walk out, but if you had decided to buy I think the man who actually did help you and explain stuff to you probably deserved the sale more than the lady who only gave you the key and then left you alone.


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