Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Macro Fruit of these days I'll learn to actually take good macro pictures!

Oranges and a apple.

Picture of grapes

Cherry magnet!

One good thing about having a refrigerator full of magnets..I can ALWAYS find at least one for the photo challenge!!

Go HERE to see more Brenda Photo Challenge pics!


  1. Good morning! I like your fruit challenge shots ~ especially the water droplets on the apple. My favorite is the cherry magnet... cute :)

    Nice stopping by to visit with you!
    Kindly, ldh

  2. I think you did just fine. Cute magnet too

  3. Super nice challenge photos Miz Jeanette!! I love fridge magnets too!

  4. I think you did really great. The apple looks like it's just waiting for someone to take a bite; see the condensation?

    Have a good weekend, buddy! :)

  5. You did Great Girl! Only magnet I have on my fridge is a ladybug...Hahaa...wouldn't work!
    Love the apple!!!
    Well done!
    Thanks sweetie, great idea!

  6. Great shot! Went to Traverse city once for cherry festival it was great. Eat lots of cherries ^_^

    My Fruit Macro

  7. Wonderful pictures! Thanks for picking a great theme for this weeks challenge.

  8. Good idea on the challenge and you came up with some good shots to capture it. Those apples looks very tasty and the grapes juicy.

  9. niiice. the water on the apple is a nice touch-- good idea :))
    happy weekend=

  10. Great shots! I love the picture of the grapes. Is that a vintage print?
    I finally got my pics up. I'm always running late...

    Nita Jo

  11. I have lots of refrigerator magnets too, but, never once thought about any of them...Duh!!! Where's my brain? I love the little cherries! Your entries are great!

  12. Hahaha, the cherry magnet! Not very tasty, but it counts! I especially like your bowl of fruit.

  13. Love your photos! Great choise of fruits!


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