Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Black & White

It's time for another Brenda Photo Challenge. I decided to just convert some of my pictures to black and white. I always liked the effect....Go HERE to see more black and white pics!


  1. Beautifully done, I might add!!
    I especially LOVE Kitty!!! He looks Made for the camera!!!
    Happy weekend!

  2. I read somewhere that taking the photos in color and then doing the conversion is the best way to do it rather than taking the pictures in black and white. I really like your choices here. Love the one of the cat

  3. Great job Jeanette! Love the kitty of course but that barn is perfect!

  4. Isn't it fun to see how things turn out in just B&W?! I love the kitty one the best, with the backdrop of the crocheted granny squares! Great job!

  5. Lovely! You may have talked about it before, but what is your favorite method for converting photos to black and white?

  6. Another great barn in black and white, thanks! Good choices!

  7. I thought the barn was my favorite until I saw the kitty. Awesome shots sweet lady!

  8. Great shots, Jeanette; love them all. Sorry I'm late for this party! :)

  9. I love all three, but I think the barn is my favorite, even though I am a cat lover!


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