Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Lighting

It's time for another Brenda Photo Challenge. This one's all about lighting!

Flame of light reflection off a copper dish.

Sunset lighting a tree.

Las Vegas lighting the night!

Go HERE to see more awesome pics!


  1. Nice photos. Love the Vegas lights

  2. These are GREAT!! You ladies always amaze me with imagination.

    Hope your weekend is going well! :)

  3. Hahaha, Las Vegas sure knows how to light up on a grand scale! That reflection off of the copper dish is also interesting. Lovely pictures, sweetie!

  4. Love the City Lights!! Wow! Think of all that electricity!!Hahaa
    Great shot with the copper bowl!!
    Happy weekend!

  5. These are great! I love the coppery reflection of light.

  6. Great shots!
    I would love to see the Las Vegas lights in real life!

  7. I love all of these but that first one is stunning. And the trees are brilliant with some of them still hidden in the dark. Excellent :)

  8. Gorgeous! Love the Las Vegas one best I think.

  9. Love your pictures. The Vegas lights are my favorite!

  10. Those are photos are so beautiful. My favorite is the first one you captured well the flame, amazing! Happy Sunday!

    Brenda Photo Challenge~Lighting

  11. I really love the first one. Something like that doesn't just happen - well it does, but you caught it at the right time. It's a cool picture!

  12. wonderful contrasts in lighting. sorry i'm a bit late on the return visit.


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