Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Comeon Spring, Jeez!!

Spring sure seems to be taking it's sweet time getting here to Michigan. We had a gloomy, rainy weekend last weekend. At least the sun is shining today and no rain in the immediate forecast. Could be a little warmer, though!

After having baby showers to attend two weeks in a row, it was nice to take a little break from the booties, and onesies and baby rattles! I don't know about anyone else, but I find baby showers to be a little bit boring. At least at wedding showers I can relate to a lot of the pretty dishes and household stuff, but baby showers? Not so much. Of course, when it comes time for the baby shower for MY grandchild that will be a whole nother story, you know?

We spent a good part of Saturday taking the shower door off of the stall shower in the basement bathroom. If you recall a month or so ago we took the door off of the upstairs master bath and I have never looked back. It is so much easier to clean and keep clean now it's amazing!

Anyway, Rich is responsible for keeping the basement shower clean because he is the only one using it, so we figured it would be a lot easier for him if that door was gone, too. Took a few hours between undoing all of the screws, chiseling off the old caulk, cleaning and re-caulking but it's worth it for him in the end.

I think secretly he's hoping I will go down there and clean it for him occasionally, too!

Sunday night we went to a fancy dinner for my department here at work. Every year they host a dinner at a place called Terry B's in Dexter Michigan. This year the menu consisted of 5 courses.

1st Course
Fresh Hawaiian Blue Prawns
Seared scallop, black beans, English peas, avocado

2nd Course
Pan Fried Skate Wing
White asparagus ragout with house made garlic sausage and Berkshire bacon, cantaloupe and kiwi relish, meyer lemon beurre blanc

3rd Course
Poulet Rouge Naked Neck Chicken
Wild ramp and Vermont white cheddar risotto, Roast chicken, wild mushroom and truffle streudel, red wine syrup and natural jus.

4th Course
Braised Short Rib
Potato truffle ravioli, fiddlehead ferns, smoked tomato, aged goat cheese.

5th Course
Almond cashew graham crust, hazelnut chocolate no bake brownie, house made marshmallow, peanut butter fudge gelato.

There was a different wine with every course.

The portions were small but fine dining is all about the blending of different tastes and everything tasted really good. The only thing I did not like was the short rib because it had a goat cheese sauce and I absolutely cannot stand goat cheese!

And or course, the dessert was wonderful! For once I didn't have my camera or I would have been taking pictures of every course!

It's nice that they do that for us every year. It makes us feel appreciated.
Rich even won the door prize.

They are the most unusual flowers/plants I have ever seen. All real, too!

"There will be no empty laundry baskets in this house when I am around!"


  1. That orange flower is a Zinnia...we grow them everywhere here in Texas. The dark purple is a Calla Lily...gorgeous!

    I'm Loving Kitty in a Basket...Hahaaa...Now That's Cute!!

  2. OK, so now I'm really hungry!!! Love the basket picture!

  3. At our former cottage, we got discouraged with the shower door in our master bath and finally removed it. The tracks were impossible to clean. We're having a shower door put in our new place, but it doesn't have a track. It should be a LOT easier (we hope, LOL).

  4. That meal sounds really good.

    I love the basket picture.

  5. Sometimes a fancy dinner is a nice change. I love the prize!!

    Kitties, kids, and baskets seem to go together.

  6. I'm back!! I did a little research - the orange flower, for what it's worth is a gerbera daisey. They are hardy little suckers. I absolutely live them.


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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...