Sunday, May 16, 2010


We finally had a nice enough day for me to go to a few garage sales on Friday. There was several subdivision sales in my area. Didn't really find anything that great but I did get this pretty pin:

I guess I have this thing for marcasite. It always catches my eye at sales.
I got this pendant at a estate sale a few months ago:

Then of course this pin and earring set I bought at another estate sale:

This peacock pin was my grandmothers.

This lapel watch also belonged to my grandmother.

It's actually pretty old, and it's genuine marcasite, which means that the stones were pressed into the silver versus glued in like modern marcasite.

Yesterday morning I walked for the American Heart Association Heart Walk. It was only three miles (versus the breast cancer 3-day, which I would probably never do. Not because I don't want to walk for three days but because I am no fund raiser and can't imagine trying to raise over $2,000, which is what you need to qualify to walk in it!) but it was very nice out and I had a good time! Unfortunately, I only raised $30 because I kept forgetting to ask people for money!!

Oh was for a good cause!


  1. Beautiful stone!
    Love all the pins!!

  2. Oh, I love the blue pendant! Don't you just love those yard sales?

  3. I love all, but especially the lapel watch. So proud of you doing the walk!

    Hope you have a great week, buddy! :)

  4. Wow, those are beautiful!! I love old jewelry and yours is so nice!!


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