Sunday, June 13, 2010

Random Images From Saturday

I don't think I have ever seen a sign like this before.

Luna Pier..a very small town close to the Ohio border.

I love how these Adirondack chairs are all different colors!

A mama and her cute little babies!

Stopped at Sterling State Park on Lake Erie in Monroe, not too far from Fermi II, our local nuclear power plant!

What is holding these trees up?

On the good news front: My daughter Shauna got a job working in the same large hospital that I work at! She's been looking for a new job for it seems like forever and finally one came through!

I am looking forward to many lunches together!


  1. Congratulations to Shauna!!! I Know You're glad of the new job!!
    Love the new look in here sweetie!!

  2. Great pics! Had to laugh at the rattlesnake crossing - yikes!

    How wonderful that your daughter is working at the same place and you'll be able to have lunches together!

    And I like your redecorating here too. Snazzy!

  3. Congrats Shauna!

    Those are sure some nice photos Miz Jeanette! It's very lovely where you live.

  4. Hey! It looks so pretty here!! :)

    Love the pictures, and you know I'm SO happy for Shauna and you!!

    Have a wonderful day. ((hugs))

  5. Where in the world is the snake crossing sign? I saw one similar to that in N. Carolina at a rest area--scared me to pieces.

  6. There is an omen in here somewhere, Jeannette! Sterling State Park. Who knew?!? I named Sterling after the wine...

  7. I've never seen a snake crossing moose crossing we see all the time...However the moose actually crossing the road ...great shots!

  8. Hate snakes, hate snakes, hate snakes!!!!!! Must run over them!!
    Congrats to your daughter!!

  9. Hi, thanks for your visit. I too loved the chairs here and the ducks, cute! :D

  10. Ooh, I love that snake crossing sign. I've never seen anything like it here, but if I did I'd probably move. :-)


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