Sunday, September 9, 2018


We finally managed to sell our house. Not without some haggling and not without us finally having to say they either agree to buy the house as is or no deal! Ha! We gave them a little money towards closing because they are first time home buyers. I swear you give people an inch and they want a mile! Anyway, we got things settled and now our house is officially sold! Should be closing in about 4 weeks.

I feel kind of bad but not as bad as I did when we sold our first house.

This little 1125 sq.ft ranch was the house we bought in 1978 when were were married a year. We brought both of our babies home to it and lived in it until Shauna graduated from high school. We sold it in 1999 to move to our current house in Canton.

I really missed that house the first month or so after we moved. I kept a picture of it on the refrigerator for a long time.

Now after another living in this house for almost as long, we are moving on again!

This time we are moving into a manufactured home in a MH community called Plymouth Hills. It's about three miles from here and is basically a mobile home park with some manufactured homes thrown in!

Ours is 1,700 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms manufactured home that is 4 years old.

Its on a corner lot with two big pine trees in front.

It's very open inside.

View from one end

View from front door
It's got a huge open island in the kitchen. We are going to close it off on this end that you see and use it to store pots and pans and other bake ware.

Behind that white door to the right of the island is this. A good size pantry.

I am having them remove all of the appliances and buying everything new! I'm really excited about that because in all of our 41 years married I have never had all new appliance! Once I get them in there the kitchen should look a lot more updated!

The master bedroom has a walk in closet.

 It's hard to tell in this pic but it's large enough to hold a dresser if we need to put it in there.

The master bathroom is "en suite" so there is no entrance to it except through the bedroom. That is at one end of the house and at the other end is the family room, two more bedrooms and another full bath.

bedrooms on either side of the bathroom

family room with built ins
It's the perfect size for us for right now. The fact that it's in a mobile home community isn't exactly what we first had in mind but it seems nice enough. It's a corner lot so we don't feel crammed in.

The down side is there there is no covered parking and considering we are leaving an attached garage that will take some getting used to! Plus there isn't enough parking to have large family get togethers anymore.

We have lots of plans for this new place.  I can't wait for this all to be over and it feels like home!

And of course here is my little Maxwell!

My heart and the joy of my life!

Next post I probably will be telling you all about my new grandson, who should be born by the end of this month!

Until then.......


  1. Congratulations, love your new home. I will look into buying a MH too for when I'm too old to manage all that I have here.

  2. I will tell you--you are gonna love your new home.
    Yes, it might take time, it did me, moving from a three bedroom into this 950 sq. ft. manufactured home, but I love it so much.
    it doesn't cost as much to heat or cool.
    There is less maintenance. It is easier to clean--time wise.
    Your is larger than mine and newer and just the right size of you two.

  3. .........and closer to your work!!

  4. Congrats on the sale of your home. Your new home is very nice.

  5. YAYAY!!!

    So happy for you guys; I know it's such a relief.

    Beautiful new place, I love it! And, 1,700 sq ft isn't small; plenty big for y'all and family when they visit.

    WHOOP!! Look at Maxwell; he's not a baby anymore. He's still so adorable though, you know I love seeing his photo's.

    And, a new baby coming; how great is that.

    Prayers for a healthy baby boy, and all of you.



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Mock Fried Rice

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