Sunday, December 22, 2019

Wrapped and Ready

Well, its December 22 and I am pretty much done shopping and wrapping. I finished my shopping yesterday which is pretty much my MO for Christmas!

Today I wrapped everything up.

I'm working Monday and Tuesday and then I'm off for the rest of the week.

In the evening on Christmas Eve we will go to my brothers house and Christmas Day we'll spend at Shauna's house because they are having Brad's family over.

We are celebrating our Christmas with the kids and grandkids on Friday the 27th. Everyone is off of work and it just works out better this way.

We went to downtown Detroit last weekend to walk around and see the big Christmas tree at Campus Marcius Park

They last night we went to downtown Plymouth to see the Christmas Tree's that light the walkway though the park.

Different business sponsor the trees.

I thought this one was clever.

They put up a Nativity Scene also, which surprises me anymore in this day.  It's life size and pretty neat!

These guys were outside yesterday enjoying the mild weather we've been having!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we will see you in 2020!

Until then!


  1. It's a good feeling when you finally have it all done and ready for Christmas isn't it? That big tree in the first picture is so pretty.

  2. Pretty to see all the Christmas lights lit up at night.
    Glad to hear you are all set for Christmas.
    Now you can enjoy the day!
    Merry Christmas.

  3. Your deck is beautiful and seeing the Christmas Tree in the front window makes your house seem so warm and welcoming.

  4. Love the bush snowman!! Cute idea...
    And I'm with Nativity! Glad to see it!!

  5. Oh goodness, how wonderful to see those little boys! They just get cuter all the time. I know you really enjoy every moment with them.

    Also, yes I am SO glad to see when the Nativity scenes are out. After all, that's the reason we have Christmas. :)



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February Photo A Day #12

 This was taken in St. Thomas A couple asked us to take their picture so of course, we asked them to take ours! See you tomorrow!