Thursday, May 12, 2022

What's Going On

We've finally been enjoying warmer weather and an abundance of sunshine the last few days. Today it's 86 and low humidity at only 17%.  A beautiful Spring day if a little bit warm! 

Our Maxwell lost his first tooth the other day! He told me it was "wobbly" about a week or so ago! 

The tooth fairy came that night and left him $5! Inflation is everywhere these days! Our kids used to get $1 and if I recall correctly I used to get a dime! 

I pulled out the Legos that I saved from when my kids were little. Levi got right to building a house. 

I'm amazed at how quickly he figured out how to build it with doors and windows! 

Shortly after I retired I bought a scanner with the intention of scanning the pictures I have in about 10 photo albums. This was something I planned to do during the winter months when the weather was too cold to be outside. The first winter I managed to get a bunch of them scanned and then I lost interest in it for a while. Lately, I have been in the mood to work on them again. I've been scanning mostly pictures from the 80's and 90's when our kids were growing up. 

One thing I am kicking myself for is not writing the event and the date on the back of the pictures! There are so many that I am having a hard time figuring out when they were taken! 

Here's a picture of me and my mom. My best guess is 1989-1990.

We're both holding coffee cups and we both look like we have bed heads! I can't think of any reason I would have stayed the night at their house. I think the kids and I may have spent the night with her when the family men were deer hunting. My mom didn't like to be home alone. 

Well, that all for now. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough this weekend to get some flowers planted! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. This is the sweetest picture of you and your mom having coffee. Maybe Levi will become an architect!

  2. Isn't the warm weather wonderful?
    I like the pic of you and your mom.
    Hooray for losing a tooth, and yes inflation has hit.

  3. Awwww, tooth fairy time! I think we got a quarter so a fiver is a pretty good haul for a single tooth! Our weather has been mild, even cool, and so breezy for the last several days. Our hot temps look to be coming next week, maybe as early as Sunday. We had a refreshing rain this evening. What a cute picture of you and your mom. xoxo

  4. How cute with Maxwell losing his first tooth! Grandson lost his first one just before his 6th birthday a few months ago. He also got $5 from the tooth fairy (I think his parents didn't have change lol :) He was so funny in that he wanted to make sure the tooth fairy saw his tooth so he kept a flashlight shone on it all night :) A right of passage when they start losing their baby teeth!

    Legos are such great toys! Maybe Levi will be an architect one day!

    Such a sweet picture of you and your mom! That is a great project you are doing with scanning pictures. I should probably do the same one day.

    When my in-laws passed there were a lot of pictures that we didn't know who were in the pictures and there was no one alive to tell us who were in the pictures so we ended up just shredding them. After that, I got all my pictures out and dated them (year) and who was in them so when we pass if anyone is interested they will know who is in the pictures.


  5. We're having the same weather here. It's like it went from winter right into summer.
    I'm the same way with pictures. I wish I would have written on the backs.

  6. Legos and loose teeth! 😊 Brings back good memories for me.

  7. Wow, $5 from the Tooth Fairy! Yikes!

    Ahhh yes, to have written dates, etc., on the back of pics. -sigh-

  8. Awwww Jeanette, what a precious picture of you & your Mom.... holding your coffee cups! And Maxwell's little toothless grin!! How darling! Yes, the Tooth Fairy has to deal with inflation also. *lol* ~Andrea xoxo

  9. Inflation IS everywhere. I think I got fifty cent pieces for a tooth. My girls got that or a dollar. He's so cute. Once the first one falls out it seems they ALL Start getting wobbly.
    What a cute pic of you and your Mom!

  10. I kept quite a few of my kids’ toys. My grands really enjoy them!

  11. More pics as you scan them please. I really enjoy going back to the 'good ol' days'!!

    Legos!! Wow. Our kids loved those Now, they are so detailed compared to the 80s version.

  12. Such a cute picture of your grandson. I think I remember getting a quarter.
    I love the picture of you and your Mom. Photos bring back sweet memories.
    It's been in the 80's and 90's here with high humidity so I think Spring is confused.

  13. Nice photo of you with your Mom. Wow, $5 from the Tooth Fairy! I used to only get .25 cents. I feel cheated! Have a wonderful day.

  14. I wish I'd kept more of the kids toys now I have a Granddaughter! You can't beat lego!


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